Special Chapter

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This will be my gift since today is my birthday and I hope you like it. And also, some smut because we've been lacking smut hehe, and to have some fun, the ending is coming.


Chapter 39: Rut

It's been 3 weeks since the incident and in that weeks, Jungkook take over Sylvester's pack and it was now under his control. He doesn't want to attack someone's pack but he wants to punish those wolves living in Yoonju's pack.

"Don't let Taehyung get in for a while." He told Hoseok who was in his room.

He was sitting on the bed feeling his rut was coming.

"Why? I'm sure he will look for you." Hoseok responded confusedly.

"Just tell him and locked the door outside." He growled gritting his teeth.

"O-okay" Hoseok muttered and leave the room.

But he was interrupted by Taehyung.

"Hyung, why are you locking the door? Jungkook is inside right?" The omega asked confusedly.

"Ahm...Uhm, h-he's not here, who told you that?" Hoseok lied, chuckling awkwardly.

"I can smell his scent inside" Taehyung muttered.

"Ahh, hahaha, let's just go downstairs, he's busy." Hoseok uttered.

"It's okay, he won't mind if I get inside." Taehyung giggled.

"Aish, let's just go, yeah?" Hoseok attempted to drag Taehyung downstairs.

"Why are you being weird, hyung? What's wrong with this room?" The omega inquired going inside the room.

And it was a kinda regret move because he can smell the scent of Jungkook's rut. He gulped when Jungkook looked up at him with those red eyes.


Hoseok was about to grab Taehyung's arm but the door was slammed close. He just pray for Taehyung and left.

"Ahm, hi?" Taehyung gulped feeling like submitting to his Alpha, standing in front of him.

He flinched when Jungkook grabbed his waist, pulled him on his lips, and claimed his lips without any hesitation.

Jungkook wraps one arm over the other's waist, pulling him closer as he deepens the kiss, tilting his head a bit, getting used to the feeling of Taehyung's lips on his own.

Their lips mold together easily, locking together and brushing across each other gently. Jungkook opens his mouth and sucks on Taehyung's lower lip, drawing a low noise from the elder.

Taehyung switches and throws one leg over the Alpha's hips, straddling the younger, leaning down to lick across the younger's lips. Jungkook opens his mouth immediately, Taehyung licking in between his lips.

The younger boy drapes both arms around Taehyung's waist to pull him even closer, chest to chest. He pulls away to wander wet kisses down Taehyung's neck, down his throat, sucking a light hickey just below his collarbone.

The Alpha pulls Taehyung down with a hand in his messy hair, their lips meeting softly, Taehyung lightly nibbling on Jungkook's lips.

The younger trails his hand back down to circle around Taehyung's waist as Taehyung nibbles along his jawline to suck a hickey just beneath his ear. Jungkook groans and pulls away to rest his forehead against the elder.

The elder leans down and presses a wet kiss to Jungkook's lips, using his tongue to lick across the seam of his lips and tug his bottom lip into his mouth. Jungkook groans and uses his body weight to press Taehyung's back into the mattress, kissing the omega back whole-heartedly.

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