Chapter 12: Mother

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Chapter 12: Mother

Taehyung just decided to ignore Jungkook. He went to his parent's house for the first time after staying in Jeon's house. He already told Jungkook's parents about leaving for a while.

"You're awake, come here and let's eat." Eunha, his mother said.

Taehyung sat down on the chair with his mother in front of him.

"Why did you come here so suddenly? You were calling me first before you came here." Eunha started while munching.

"Nothing, I just want to take a rest for a while and visit you." Taehyung replied.

"I see, I thought you'll have your mate when you came here. When will you bring your mate? You're 26 already yet you're not mated." Eunha spoke.

"Mom, please let's not talk about mate, okay? I told you I'm not interested in that shit." Taehyung grumbled.

"Why do you keep saying that? You can't escape your fate." Eunha insisted.

"Why are you even asking mom? We both know the reason why I can't accept my mate." Taehyung retorted.

"Taehyung, I told you, what happened to me won't happen to you. It's only my fault, moon goddess won't do that to you. She cursed me because of what I did." Eunha explained.

"No, moon goddess punished our generation. I, you, and the next generation of us will be mateless. Whether I have a mate, I can't accept it because he or she will suffer and die. I don't want it to happen to my mate, mom." Taehyung stated.

"Okay fine, if you don't want a mate, you'll marry a friend of mine. At least, I want to see you with someone before I die." Eunha sighed, standing up on her seat and she left him.

Taehyung sighed in defeat knowing how hard-headed his mom was.

"Jin hyung, where's Taehyung hyung?" Jungkook asked while rubbing his eyes and walking downstairs.

"I heard he took a leave for a while and went to his mom." Jin replied.

"Why? Can't he just stay here?" Jungkook said with a slight pout.

"Just understand him, he might miss his mom that's why he visited her." Jin replied.

"But I already missed him." Jungkook sighed.

"Don't worry, I'm sure he'll come back as soon as possible." Jin smiled ruffling Jungkook's hair.

Taehyung heard a knock on the door, he stood up and opened it. She saw a young woman standing in front of him, she was wearing simple white sleeveless and black baggy pants with her red sandals which make her perfect for her.

"Yes, how can I help you?" Taehyung asked.

"Oppa, is this the place where Aunt Eunha living?" She asked with her sweet tone.

"Ahm, yes, why are you looking for her?" Taehyung responded.

"She told me that she need to tell me something." She replied.

"Okay, get inside I'll call her." Taehyung said opening the door wide and he walk first.

He went to his mother's room and saw her kneading the cat.

"Mom, you have a visitor." Taehyung told her.

"Oh, she's here, come and join us." Eunha said and they left her room.

"Jia, you're finally here. How are you?" Eunha asked hugging her.

"I'm doing fine, aunt. How about you?" Jia replied smiling sweetly.

"I'm doing good too, by the way, this is my son, Kim Taehyung, and mateless omega." Eunha introduced him.

"Oh, male omega, a very rare one." Jia grinned while looking at Taehyung.

"He's very rare, but he isn't weak like a usual omega. I can assure you that he can protect you." Eunha added.

"Mom, what are you trying to say?" Taehyung inquired confused.

"Son, She's Shin Jia an omega, and since she's mateless, I think it will be fine if you two can be a couple so I can assure you that you will get married before I leave this world." Eunha explained.

"Excuse us, we need to talk first." Taehyung said and dragged Eunha into the kitchen.

"What's wrong with you, Taehyung? Don't tell me you have a problem with her?" Eunha asked.

"I don't have a problem with her, but I have a problem with you. Why do you want me to marry someone just like that? What's gotten in your mind?" Taehyung asked exclaiming.

"I'm doing it for you, I don't want you to be alone and single. That will be hard for you." Eunha explained.

"You don't have to worry about me, I'm not alone. I can take care of myself." Taehyung replied.

"I don't want you to be like me. Besides, you are mateless, you don't have to worry about anything. Son, she's good and she also needs someone like you. There's no problem with her, she will take care of you." Eunha stated.

"Mom, you can't arrange me to someone, okay?" Taehyung argued.

"And why? I'm your mom." Eunha retorted

"It's because I have a mate and my mate will surely hate you if he knows about this." Taehyung replied.

"Come on, son, don't make up a story." Eunha sighed rolling her eyes.

"I'm not making up a story mom. I could bring him here if you want proof." Taehyung defended.

"Mate but you don't even have the mark? Do you really think you can lie to me just to stop this wedding?" Eunha replied.

"Of course not, I'm saying the truth. He's aggressive and hard-headed that's why I can't bring him here. He barely listens to me, I don't want him to scare you." Taehyung excused.

"I don't care whoever your mate but you have to make sure that you have a mate. Bring him here before I believe in you." Eunha stated.

"Okay, I'll bring him here but stop that wedding." Taehyung retorted.

"Fine, show that so-called mate of yours. But if you didn't show anyone, be ready for your wedding. I won't cancel it at any moment not until you show your mate." Eunha ended and left him alone in the kitchen.

Taehyung smacked himself due to frustration. Now, he had no choice but to drag Jungkook into his mess.

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