Chapter 25: Fight

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Chapter 25: Fight

Taehyung woke up at 2 am because his phone kept ringing. He removes Jungkook's arm from his waist to grab his phone on top of the drawer. He sat down on the bed to see who was calling him but the calls already ended before he even answer them.

He just notice the notification on his messages.

To. Unknown

Go to Yongma Land, it's an abandoned amusement park.
Don't call or ask for help from the police and your mate if you don't want something to happen to your dear mother.

Taehyung immediately grabbed his coat running out of the house. He was so eager to see if his mom was fine.

"I'm here! Where's my mom?!" Taehyung yelled out feeling uneasiness surrounding the area.

He can feel a lot of wolves, mostly rogues in the amusement park. The place was creepy which kinda frightened him but he was willing to do everything to save his mother.

"Well, well, well, you are here

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"Well, well, well, you are here. It's nice to meet you again, Luna."

Taehyung was sure he heard that voice before. He looked up and saw the familiar face on the rooftop.

"You?!" Taehyung mumbled staring at him.

"It seems like you remember me, anyway, I didn't introduce myself to you last time we met. I'm Ju Hanju." He introduced and smiled at Taehyung.

"Where's my mom? What did you do to her?!" Taehyung yelled and his hands were balled in a fist.

"Ah, you're no fun, you should ask me first what I like and what is my intention you know." Hanju pouted to tease him.

"I know my mom ruined your family, I don't care about you." Taehyung simply replied while gritting his teeth.

"You're right tho, but apparently, I got interested in your mate. He's handsome and hot, don't you think he's perfect for me?" Hanju snickered.

"Perfect my ass, unfortunately, he's into me. He's too loyal to me, he doesn't want someone else besides me. You're not his type even though you try to flirt with him." Taehyung smirked.

"Are you sure about that? I'm pretty attractive, most of the people I met were interested in me." Hanju confidently grinned.

"Yes, I'm so sure, you're right, you're attractive but your name isn't Taehyung." Taehyung retorted with a sneer plastered on his face.

"You're ruining the fun, go and save your mother in the Vikings. If you didn't save her in 15 minutes, the bomb will explode." Hanju snickered.

He flicked his finger and suddenly, Taehyung heard a claw clasping to the ground and the wolves roars. He looked at his surroundings and he was right, wolves and rogues were ready to attack him. He was holding the dagger tightly for his defense.

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