Chapter 37: Peck

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Chapter 37: Peck

They went back to the pack house, and they saw the two strongest Alphas trying to change Shion's diaper on the ground but they are failing.

"What are you two doing to my baby?" Jimin inquired with mouth agape watching them.

"We're trying to change his diaper, but we don't know how to do it." Yoongi retorted standing up.

"Aish, I'll do that, I can't believe the strongest Alphas can't do that." Jimin muttered dropping the bag of groceries on the counter.

He picked up his baby from the ground and bring him upstairs. Taehyung chuckled, walking in front of Jungkook and pecking his lips.

"I'm back safe" He uttered smiling and holding onto Jungkook's nape.

Yet, the Alpha's face was pure annoyed.

"Why do you smell like him?" Jungkook inquired venomously.

"Smell like what?" He teased grinning.

"That bastard Yoonju" Jungkook grumbled gritting his teeth and clutching the omega's waist.

Taehyung laughed lightly and pecked Jungkook's lips once again.

"Why? Are you jealous?" He asked staring at his Alpha.

"Of course! Who wouldn't be Taehyung?! Did you meet that asshole?!" Jungkook growled.

Taehyung was about to kiss him but Jungkook blocked his lips with his palms, glaring at him.

"I'm being serious here, Taehyung! Don't joke around." Jungkook sternly said, eyes flashing red.

"Don't be mad, nothing happened. Besides, we just crossed the path in the supermarket. I can't say if he's following me but I'm sure he won't bother me for some time." Taehyung stated, caressing Jungkook's cheeks.

"What do you mean?" Jungkook inquired curiously.

"I warned him, and you don't need to be jealous. He's not my type, why would I change my mate with the body of full course meal over that guy? He's not attractive as you. It'll be stupid if I do that." Taehyung giggled brushing his nose against his Alpha's nose.

"I'm glad you know" Jungkook muttered rolling his tongue in his inner cheek.

"So now, where's my kiss?" The omega uttered.

Jungkook didn't hesitate to pull Taehyung's nape and waist, pulling him closer and claiming his lips. The omega smirked, kissing back his Alpha. Their lips mold to each other as if a piece of a puzzle that perfect fit.

The Alpha bit the bottom lip of Taehyung, pulling and biting it off causing the omega to grasp on Jungkook's hair tighter. He slid his tongue inside Taehyung's mouth to roam his wet cavern.

They shared steamy hot kisses before pulling away with a string of saliva binding on their lips. And pressing their forehead to each other. The omega stared at Jungkook while panting heavily and smirking.

"That's the best, Alpha." Taehyung grinned sexily pecking Jungkook's lips once again.  

"I know, we can do that again if you want." Jungkook snickered.

"Yeah, maybe next time. I'm hungry, no, our baby is hungry." He pouted innocently immediately changing his mood.

"Seriously, hyung." Jungkook sighed rolling his eyes.

"Yeah, prepare food for me, okay?" Taehyung smiled brushing off Jungkook's shoulders.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." The Alpha grumbled in defeat.

"Thank you, you're the best." Taehyung giggled pecking Jungkook's cheeks and ran upstairs while blushing.


"What happened to me?" Yoonju asked waking up from his deep slumber in his room and hissing in pain on his nape.

"That's the question I should've asked you, sir. I found you unconscious in the supermarket."


Yoonju swore, remembering what happened to him. He can't believe he was knocked out by that omega. Yet, he smirked liking the omega more. Taehyung was definitely his type and he will make sure to get that omega from Jungkook.

"Leave my room and go find me a slut that looks like that omega. I don't want just anyone, I want his look-a-like, understood?!" He ordered.

"Sir, that will be hard to find someone like him. He's a solo child."

"Then go and search everywhere! Your stupid ass can't get him so get someone who looks like him instead if you failed to get me one, go bury yourself." Yoonju growled.

"Y-yes, sir."

The assistant left not wanting to anger his boss. Yoonju pulled down his pants and leaned on the headboard. He wrapped his left palm on his hard member, looking at Taehyung's picture on the wall, and started to jerk off while thinking of Taehyung sucking his dick.

"Ahh, shit"

He moaned out when white beads came out on his dick with sweats falling on his body and glanced at Taehyung's picture.

"I will make you mine"

He uttered to himself and pushed his hair to the back. Continuing to satisfy himself with Taehyung in his mind.


"Jungkookie" Taehyung mumbled laying on Jungkook's chest.

"Yes?" Jungkook responded, caressing Taehyung's back.

The omega looked at him with those innocent doe eyes and tight-lipped lips.

"Are you still mad at me?" He asked pouting.

"Of course not, why did you ask?" Jungkook retorted cupping Taehyung's cheeks.

"You're ignoring me earlier and your excuses for being busy is so annoying. I'm just teasing you earlier, please forgive me." The omega muttered pecking Jungkook's palm.

"I'm sorry, something urgent came earlier. I didn't mean to ignore you." Jungkook replied caressing the omega's cheeks.

"I told you, I don't like that guy. Stop thinking about him, I can feel it, you know. So, don't lie to me! Trust me, I only love you, only you." Taehyung said grabbing Jungkook's collar.

"I know, I know that. I love you too." Jungkook uttered showering Taehyung with a soft kiss all over his face.

Taehyung pressed his lips on Jungkook and kissed him. The Alpha smiled, loving the affection from his omega. He pulled Taehyung's waist with his veiny arms, kissing him full of love.

"I really can't live without you." Jungkook chuckled, tucking his hair behind his ear.

"That's good because I have no plan to let you go easily." Taehyung grinned plopping himself on Jungkook's and snuggling his neck on the crook of the Alpha's neck.

Jungkook giggled, hugging his omega tightly and pecking the top of his head.

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