Chapter 36: Bother

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Chapter 36: Bother

Jungkook was in their room, sleeping peacefully after doing his work. While Taehyung was on the couch with Jimin playing with his baby.

"These days, you seem to be soft. You're different from nowadays." Jimin said caressing Taehyung's tummy.

"Jin hyung said my emotion can affect the baby, so I had to control my emotion to make sure nothing would happen to my baby." Taehyung responded smiling and pecking the tip of the baby's nose since he was holding Shion, Jimin's baby.

"You changed too fast, I didn't expect it." Jimin uttered sitting on the couch beside Taehyung.

"I guess this is the effect of having a mate and baby soon. And Jungkook loves me, he treated me as if I'm a fragile person and now I'm used to it." Taehyung giggled handing the baby back to Jimin.

"You should be, you're trying hard to get back then even though Jungkook truly loves you with all his heart." Jimin mocked.

"It's just I'm afraid what will be the consequences he will face if he becomes my mate because of  the curse." Taehyung uttered sighing.

"I understand, I'm glad that you accepted him. I really thought you'll be forever single." Jimin teased, fake crying.

"Yahh, stop teasing me, hyung." The omega grumbled.

Jimin chuckled and continued teasing him.

"You two, are you talking about me?"

Suddenly, the fresh woke up Jungkook asked while pushing his messy bed hair to the back and walking behind the couch pecking the top of Taehyung's head.

"Good Morning, love, anyway, are you two talking about me?" He greeted his omega ruffling his hair.

"Why would we talk about you?" Jimin inquired lying.

"Just sayin' I accidentally bit my tongue earlier." Jungkook shrugged off his shoulder.

"Anyways, I and Taehyung will go to the supermarket since Jin hyung invited us. Can you please take care of Shion?" Jimin asked changing the topic.

"And why do I need to take care of your baby? Why not your mate instead?" Jungkook muttered.

"Hyung went outside for a while and maybe he will come late before us. And, we had to leave early." Jimin reasoned out.

"But Taehyung can't go outside without me, and you know what I mean." Jungkook insisted.

"I know, that's why Namjoon hyung and Hoseok hyung will come with us also." Jimin rolled his eyes.

"What about me? Why I can't go with you instead?" Jungkook asked pouting.

"Because you had to take care of my baby, I don't want to bring Shion with me outside, not now." Jimin sighed.


"No more buts, take care of my baby well, or else, you and Yoongi hyung will surely kill each other." Jimin interrupted him.

He stood up and gave his baby to Jungkook.

"Let's go now, Taehyung." Jimin uttered and walk away first.

Taehyung glanced at Jungkook who was pouting a bit while carrying the baby.

"It's okay, Jungkook, I will be back early so don't worry about me, hmm." Taehyung assured and pecked the Alpha's lips.

However, the Alpha was still pouting not looking at him while feeding the baby with the milk.

"By the way, good morning too, love~" Taehyung giggled pecking Jungkook's lips twice, and left.

Jungkook didn't want to look up because his cheeks were burning red. It was his first to hear Taehyung call him "love" like that and he won't be lying, that's indeed the best feeling for him.

"He's cute, isn't he?" Jungkook asked the baby, Shion who simply giggled.

Taehyung and Jimin were inside the supermarket with their three hyungs surrounding them.

"Taehyung, look for the meat section and Hoseok follow him. Jimin to the fish and lastly, Namjoon and I in the fruit and vegetable, understood?" Jin ordered their task.

"Yes, hyung."

They retorted knowing that they don't have any choice but to follow him anyways. They parted their ways, Hoseok was pushing the cart with Taehyung in front of the cart and looking for the fresh meat.

"Hyung, check the chicken area there, I will check the meat so we can go home early. Jungkook is waiting." Taehyung uttered.

"Okay, but don't go far from my sight, just stay here once you're done. Or else, Jungkook will kill me." Hoseok retorted chuckling.

Taehyung smiled and nodded his head in response. Hoseok separated to go to the chicken while Taehyung walks with the cart with him.


The familiar voice called his name. He looked in front of the cart seeing Yoonju. He just smiled and move his cart to the right way to ignore him but Yoonju grabbed his arm.

"Wait, are you ignoring me? We're fine yesterday, did I do something wrong?" Yoonju inquired stopping him from leaving.

"Fortunately, nothing, but Jungkook told me to avoid you, so please, let go of my arm before I cut it off." Taehyung retorted glancing at his hand.

"Why? Because he told you I'm bad and you believe him?" Yoonju replied.

"Yes, because he's my mate and I trusted him." Taehyung said jerking off his hand.

"He's lying, I have no intention to hurt you. Besides, did you ask him if he trusted you? He isn't faithful, he wants you to avoid me because he was jealous that you're with me." Yoonju stated.

"I don't care if you want to hurt me or not, but please, stop making lies and don't bother us anymore. I don't want to witness Jungkook killing someone in front of me." Taehyung sighed rolling his eyes.

"But Ta---"

That was Yoonju's last draw, Taehyung turned around kicked his stomach, and punch his nape enough to make him unconscious.

"I don't have the intention to do that but you pissed me off." Taehyung muttered under his breath.

He pushed the car and left the unconscious Yoonju on the ground.

"Taehyung, I told you to stay there." Hoseok uttered confusedly holding the pack of chicken.

"Hyung, you took so long and there's crazy bothering me." Taehyung sighed.

"Really? Did that crazy hurt you? Where is that? I will teach that the lesson." Hoseok said.

"Don't worry, hyung, I'm sure he's sleeping peacefully right now." Taehyung smiled innocently.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Hoseok asked confusedly.

Taehyung chuckled innocently and shrugged off his shoulder.

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