Chapter 34: Baby

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Chapter 34: Baby

Taehyung was with his Alpha, laying on the bed while Jungkook was hugging him tightly from his back as if he will leave or something. No one knows yet that he already woke up, depends if they check the room.

He's awake but Jungkook is still sleeping. Suddenly, he smells something new scent. His feet casually move on their own, he stood up and followed the scent until he reach the temporary room of the Min.

He heard a baby crying, he got inside while everyone was there too. They were surprised to see him fine. They can't help but stare at him.

"Wow, hyung, he's so cute." Taehyung giggled seeing the newborn baby laying down beside Jimin.

"I'm happy to see you here, Tae." Jimin smiled still sweating after giving birth.

"Since when did you wake up, Taehyung?" Jae-In asked sitting on the one-person couch.

"Ah, last night, Jungkookie saw me first." Taehyung uttered playing with the baby.

"Are you fine now? Did you feel hurt somewhere in your body?" Jin inquired to know if Taehyung is okay.

"Uhm, I'm fine now. I don't feel hurt." Taehyung retorted.

"That's good to hear, however, we still need to go on the procedure to check if you are fully recovered." Jin stated.

"Okay~ but why the baby looks like Yoongi hyung? I'm sure he will be scary too like his dad." Taehyung uttered with a frown.

"You're just jealous because you don't have one." Yoongi snickered.

"I have one you know." Taehyung muttered looking at the baby.

"Our baby isn't yours." Yoongi retorted.

"I know, I'm saying that I'm pregnant!" The omega responded glaring at Yoongi.

Everyone gasped in surprise, Jimin jolted in his bed looking at him with a surprised look on his face.

"Is that the effect of getting hit on your head?" Yoongi mocked.

"No, I told you, I have a baby in my stomach." Taehyung grumbled.

"Is that for real? O my gosh, finally! This is what I've been waiting for!" Jae-In stood up, jumping in happiness.

"How could you be pregnant? One of your mom's curses is none of your family would be able to be pregnant anymore." Yoongi stated.

"But my mom is dead, she said the curse ended. Her death is only the key to stopping the curse and I guess it worked." Taehyung uttered caressing his belly.

"Well, we can check it out if you are really pregnant. We had to know how sensitive you'll be during your pregnancy." Jin said.

"Okay," Taehyung retorted.


They flinched when Jungkook barged inside while panting heavily and he seems worried or more likely afraid.

"Yes?" Taehyung responded looking at him.

The Alpha sighed in relief, hugging him tightly.

"I'm worried, I thought it was just a dream. Please don't do that again, don't leave me like that." Jungkook stated worriedly.

"I'm sorry, I smelled hyung's baby that's why I left you alone. Look, their baby is cute, do you think our baby will look cute like that?" The omega uttered excitedly pulling away from the hug.

Jungkook glanced at the baby and smiled.

"Of course, I'm sure our baby will be cute and beautiful as you." Jungkook smiled ruffling Taehyung's hair.

The omega giggled and go back to play with the baby.

"Jungkook, don't you have meetings today? Why did you wake up late?" Ki-eun said sighing.

"Can't I take an absence today? I can't leave Taehyung right now." Jungkook groans.

"You can't, these meetings were been postponed for so long. The clients will think that we rejected their project." Ki-eun stated.

"But Taehyung..."

"It's okay Jungkook, I won't mind if you leave. I will play with the baby instead." Taehyung retorted in assurance.

Jungkook sighed in defeat and nodded his head.

"Alright, but please take care of him. And don't leave this house." The Alpha ordered.


They replied and Jungkook left to go to the meeting.


"What did you find out?" Yoonju asked while sitting on the swivel chair in his office.

"He's the son of Eunha, Hajun's target and the woman who was been cursed for a long time. He also trains those new trainees in the Yugen pack. Has a mate and that's the Alpha Jungkook. 26 years old and graduated with a bachelor of science in Entrepreneurship."

"Is he marked or mated?" Yoonju asked clenching his hand on the wine glass.

"I don't have any information about that, but I believe he is mated"

That was enough for Yoonju to get in a rage and threw the wine glass on the wall.

"There's no way he's mated, he's mine." Yoonju grumbled, eyes glowing in red, and threw everything from his desk.

"If that's what you want to believe sir."

"When and where can I see him?" Yoonju soughed.

"Today sir, in Yugen's main company. He was going there to meet his mate. But I advise to you sir that you should be careful because he's been guarded and you can only see him for a limited time. However, I will try to contact our men to distract his mate, Jungkook as long as they can."

"That's good, prepare the car now." Yoonju smirked.

His assistant bowed his head and leave him alone to prepare the car.


"Taehyung, we're here. You can go first, I will park this van." Jin said when they arrived at the company.

For some reason, Taehyung already missed Jungkook that's why he begged them to go to Jungkook.

"Thank you hyung." Taehyung replied going out of the car.

When he is walking inside, the guard and the employees greeted him by bowing their heads to show respect towards their Luna. He smiled at them to make sure he won't be rude.

He saw a free elevator, he got inside and press the button but before the elevator door can get close, the guy came in rush and successfully came in. He moves aside to make space for the guy.

"Oh, Luna, it's nice to meet you here." He smiled bowing his head.

"It's nice to meet you too. Are you new here?" Taehyung asked since the guy was a new face for him.

"I'm Min Yoonju and you're right, Luna, I'm new here." Yoonju said smiling.

The omega scanned him, he looks not bad for him and he seems a good person.

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