Chapter 29: Follow

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Chapter 29: Follow

Jungkook calmed down a bit after forcing his weak body to roam around the Yongma Land. He was so desperate to find Taehyung that he ended up looking for nothing after 3 days of finding him.

He was so frustrated that he didn't even bother to rest for the whole 3 days.

"I told you, Jungkook, you should at least take a rest. You shouldn't move on your own." Jae-In uttered worriedly watching Jin curing Jungkook's wounded body.

"How can I rest here? I-I heard Taehyung's voice, h-he wants me to help him." Jungkook retorted with tears falling in his eyes while laying on the hospital bed in their pack house.

"Still, how will you save him in this condition? Look how weak you are now." Jae-In replied sighing.

"You should listen to her, Jungkook, she just worried about you. And she's right, do you think you can save Taehyung if you are being like this?" Jin joined and gauzed his left arm.

"It's almost a week now, I-I don't know what's happening to him." Jungkook cried.

"I know we are wasting a lot of time but we can't do anything about it. There are no traces left that's why it was hard for us to look for them. Even though rogues spoke, they didn't even see or witness Taehyung at that time." Jin stated, sanitizing his tool.

"You should rest a bit so you can think properly. Don't be too reckless, you're not like this when you got some rest." Jae-In added patting Jungkook's hair.

"We're going now, Alpha Ki-eun was looking for us because he invited a guest. We'll see you later." Jin sighed.

Jae-In and Jin leave Jungkook alone to let him rest for a while and give him some time to think.

"Oh, there she is. She's Jeon Jae-In, my wife and the former Luna." Ki-eun beamed standing up on his seat.

Jae-In stood up beside him and he held her waist.

"He's Jun Hajun, he will be our business partner for the newest project we'll going to launch next year." Ki-eun introduced them to each other.

"It's an honor to meet you, Luna." Hajun smiled bowing his head.

"May I ask if you're pregnant?" Jae-In asked straightforwardly.

Hajun flinched a bit due to the surprising question.

"I'm a beta, Luna, that's impossible for me to happen." Hajun fake giggled.

"It's weird, you reek like a pregnant one." Jae-In said scanning him and she can smell the familiar scent.

"The feeling is mutual, honey. I can't believe it either when he told me that he doesn't have a mate and he's not pregnant but smelled like one." Ki-eun chuckled.

"I guess it's because my sister was pregnant that's why I smell right now." Ki-eun lied, smiling and rubbing the back of his neck.

"But last time we met, you told me that you don't know someone pregnant." Ki-eun uttered

Hajun cursed them in his mind for being so talkative.

"Ah, that's because I forgot about it." He laughed awkwardly.

"Let's forget about that, can we start the meeting?" Jae-In asked changing the topic.

Hajun nodded his head and they took their seat.

Hoseok who was taking care of Yoongi suddenly flinched when Yoongi jolt up from the bed he was laying.

"Hyung, what are you doing?" He asked confusedly when Yoongi was pulling the dextrose out of his skin.

He jumps off his bed and runs away. Hoseok just followed him even though he doesn't know what was happening.

Jin who was listening and standing near the door flinched when it was slam opened revealing Yoongi.

"Mr. Min, finally you--"

Ki-eun wasn't able to finish his sentence when Yoongi grabbed Hajun's hair and slammed his face on the table.

"Where's my mate?!" Gritting his teeth, Yoongi asked.

His face didn't show any emotion, it was just plain purple that he used to know that Jimin was with Hajun, and a hint of anger laced in his tone. Jin was about to stop him but Ki-eun signal him not to do it and stay away from them.

"Wuh-what are y-you talk--"

Hajun was interrupted when Yoongi's grip on his hair tightened and forced him to look up causing him to hiss in pain.

"I don't like repeating myself, now tell me!" Yoongi growled, releasing unpleasant pheromones enough to make Jae-In's legs wobble and Hajun feels nervous.

Jungkook heard a noise downstairs, he step out of the bed to see what was happening there.

"I-I duh-don't know what are you talking about, l-let me go! I-I'm an innocent businessman here! A-alpha, please tell him." Hajun lied, swallowing hard.

"It's better for you to speak up now. Alphas can smell the reek of the pregnant. And that's definitely from Jimin and there's a faint scent of Taehyung on you." Ki-eun stated, hugging his wife to calm her down.

Hajun gritted his teeth, he can't believe he fell into their trap without even realizing it.

"Let me go if you want to see him alive! I won't tell anything if you don't set me free!" Hajun growled squirming around.

"Just fucking tell me before I slit your neck!" Yoongi growled loudly.

"If you will kill me, I will kill them too without hesitation. It's up to you." Hajun snickered.


"Let him go hyung, for our mate's sake!" Jungkook shouted.

Yoongi hesitantly let him go and his eyes go back to normal. Hajun stood up arranging his suit.

"Now speak" Yoongi grumbled.

"Go to the factory near the Yongma land. You can see them there, now, bye!" Hajun giggled and threw a smoking bomb.

"That fucking asshole! He's obviously lying!" Yoongi gritted his teeth.

Now, he didn't see any trace of Hajun in the pack house.

"This your plan? What the heck is this?! We got him now!" Yoongi yelled in frustration.

"If you calm down, you will understand me." Jungkook calmly said

"Calm down? Why would I listen to you? I'll go there alone." Yoongi retorted turning around.

"He's not going there, he's lying. He will set a trap in that place. Just at least this time, trust me, hyung. We will catch him." Jungkook said walking downstairs.

He looked at Jin who nodded his head knowing what he will do.

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