Chapter 9: Yoongi vs. Jungkook

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Chapter 9: Yoongi vs. Jungkook

Who do you choose between them? Team Yoongi or Team JK?

Taehyung woke up while hissing in pain. He felt pain in the back of his neck. He opened his eyes, sighing heavily.

"Don't worry, you're not in heaven." JK uttered, leaning on the wall while crossing his arms.

Taehyung rolled his eyes, glaring at him.

"Why are you still awake? Go make Jungkook back." Taehyung retorted.

"I'm not tired yet, besides, I want to assure you'll wake up." JK replied.

"I'm fine now, you can sleep." Taehyung responded.

"No, I don't want to." JK argued.

"And why?!" Taehyung grumbled, sitting on the bed.

"It's because it's my first time seeing you sleeping peacefully and I enjoying it." JK smirked.

"Not funny, not sweet." Taehyung replied with a poker face.

"Then, let's make it sexy instead." JK grinned moving a bit.

"Don't you dare to go near at me, I still didn't forget what you did to me." Taehyung stated.

"I'm sorry, okay? It's not my intention to hurt you. Even if I try, I can't hurt you." JK replied.

"What are you saying?" Taehyung inquired confused.

JK was about to answer but a knock interrupted them.

"Taehyung, are you awake?" Jin inquired, knocking on the door.

"Yes hyung, come in." Taehyung retorted.

Jin came inside, glaring at JK who simply ignored his presence.

"What do you need, hyung?" Taehyung asked, looking at Jin.

"Jimin is here, I think you need to talk with him." Jin replied.

Taehyung didn't hesitate to go downstairs, followed by JK.

"Hyung" Taehyung called out, hugging Jimin tightly.

"Are you okay? Did they do something to you?" Jimin asked worriedly.

"I'm fine, hyung. How about you?" Taehyung asked, pulling away.

"I'm alright, they didn't harm me." Jimin said.

"That's good, I'm sorry hyung, it's my fault why they captured you. I should've come when you arrived. I'm sorry, hyung." Taehyung stated with tearful eyes.

"That's right, you should blame yourself, it's all your fault." Yoongi joined with a venomous voice.

"Hyung, don't say that to him. He didn't know it'll happen." Jimin uttered.

"Why? Did I tell them something wrong? That won't happen to you if he didn't invite you to come here." Yoongi retorted.

Taehyung went silent, he was biting his lips because of shame.

"Don't blame Taehyung, he also searched for Jimin that time. He also got kidnapped, everything was done now. You should forgive Taehyung." Jin defended Taehyung.

"Why would I forgive him if my mate got in danger because of him, huh?! Tell me!" Yoongi growled.

"You can't forgive him? Then, we won't forgive you, you left us during the fight. You were not found after you escape. You almost burn us alive inside that place!" Jin argued back.

"My mission is to get my mate not to help you find that useless omega!" Yoongi retorted which hurt Taehyung.

In just a second, Yoongi suddenly was flowing when JK grabbed his neck. Yoongi can't feel the floor below him. He was running out of breath.

"You should be careful with your words! Don't you dare to say that to my mate! He's not useless unlike you! You're the selfish alpha!" JK uttered while gritting his teeth and eyes glowing red.

"JK put him down! You're going to kill him!" Taehyung interrupted them, pulling JK away from Yoongi.

However, Yoongi kicked JK's stomach with much strength causing JK to loosen his grip around his neck. JK fell down on the floor while Yoongi was catching his breath.

JK got in a rage, his fangs growing, nails turning into claws, and his veins popping out while he was standing up.

"Do you want to fight me? Then let's do it." JK growled.

While Yoongi's eyes were burning in anger, his black hair turns into red like fire hair and a dark aura surrounds him.

"Why not? I badly want to kill you too." Yoongi said with his demonic growl voice.

JK suddenly attacks Yoongi, Taehyung, and the others watching them in fear. They were attacking each other but they have the same stamina and strength. They were trying to punch each other but their speeds were almost the same which easily makes them cover each strike.

It looks like, JK found his good enemy(?). Yoongi kicked JK's head causing JK to move backward and almost got trip. JK got mad, he jump so high that makes him look as if he was flying.

He was aiming at Yoongi from above, he extends his claws to stab Yoongi.

"JK! No! Stop that!" Taehyung yelled but JK wasn't himself.

He's too mad to control himself, Taehyung closed his eyes, not wanting to see what will happen. Yoongi just stood there, calculating JK's move, secretly taking a syringe in his pocket, when JK was almost close to him. He punched him to his stomach and stabbed the syringe on JK's neck.

JK lost his balance, bumping on the wall and curling up on the floor while hissing in pain.

"Not good enough to beat me up." Yoongi muttered, shifting back to himself.

Taehyung opened his eyes, he was surprised to see JK got lose during the battle.

"Let's go, we're leaving." Yoongi said, grabbing Jimin out of the house.

"Jungkook! JK! Are you okay?" Jin asked, rushing towards Jungkook.

"How is he, Jin?" Ki-eun asked worriedly, still not processing what he just witnessed.

He can't believe his son's wolf got defeated.

"He's fine, he just got unconscious. We're still lucky, Yoongi didn't kill him." Jin sighed.

"Bring him in his room." Ki-eun uttered.

Jin brought Jungkook back to his room.

"How?" Taehyung mumbled confusedly.

His eyes were wide confused about what happened. It is just too unbelievable to believe. 

"Don't be surprised about that, Yoongi hyung isn't weak to get defeated. The thing you should get surprised is that Yoongi hyung didn't even use all of his strength to beat JK unlike JK, he used all of his strength." Namjoon uttered, standing beside the surprised Taehyung.

"What?" Taehyung gasped.

"Believe it or not, he might be playing or testing JK's strength. He wasn't transforming into Suga's form that's why I'm sure he still didn't use all of his power." Namjoon snickered.

Taehyung was froze hearing that, he thought Jungkook's wolf was the strongest.

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