C3: Bad Singer

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"Driving through the atmosphere
Tell me, do you feel okay inside?
Did you wish to disappear?
Riverbed that's made of tears you cried."

Artist: Before You Exit
Song: We're Gonna Be Alright


Until now, I'm curious about the captain of the volleyball team. I wonder why she is so eager and so determined to win the university volleyball competition.

To be honest, I found her attractive and stunning, but her attitude was a turn off. If she is nice like others, I might have a crush on her.

I heard a lot of gossip about her, and my source is none other than Kim Jisoo and Kang Seulgi.

They became my friends because they said I'm cool and they are also cool, so we needed to hang out with each other.

It's been a week since we became friends, and I'm thankful for them because Haruto can't have lunch with me anymore since his friends always invite him.

Don't think Haruto prefers hanging out with his friends; it's just that I want him to socialize more so he can enjoy his college years.

"Limario!" Jisoo put her left arm around my shoulder, causing me to bend a little.

"What's on your mind, huh?" Seulgi put her right arm on my shoulder.

"Nothing, just thinking about my little brother." I had a hard time walking because they basically put their weight on my shoulders.

"You had a fucking little brother?!" They exclaimed in my ears.

"Yeah." I removed their arms and they looked at me with their mouths agape.

"Don't tell me that boy is from the music department?" Jisoo asked and I nodded.

"Haruto?" Seulgi asked and I nodded.

"Oh! That explains why you two look alike. " Jisoo said and examined my body from head to toe. "Tall, handsome, deep voice, and he had long legs like yours."

"But Limario didn't have a deep voice." Seulgi stated.

"I think she can make her voice deep." Jisoo responded and she looked back to me. "Try to imitate your bother, Limario."

I cleared my throat and gulped.

"Annyeonghaseyo, I'm Haruto." I tried imitating my brother and these two idiots clapped their hands like a seal.

"Daebak! You two are really siblings. You can even imitate your brother." Seulgi said with amusement.

"By the way, where are you going, Limario?" Jisoo asked.

"Somewhere more quiet and peaceful." I answered and they nodded in understanding.

Jisoo and Seulgi looked at each other before laughing out loud, as if I had cracked a very funny joke.

"That's boring as fuck!" They exclaimed in unison.

"You know, Limario. It's more fun if you join me and Seulgi." Jisoo said this with confidence and a proud face.

"Come with us, Limario." Seulgi said, and I shook my head because I knew what they were planning to do.

They want to settle on the school field where cheerleaders practice. They will flirt with them and annoy some football players.

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