C12: Jersey

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"Feel like I'm your cat I'm your dog
With my two eyes, I can only see you
Our relationship isn't serendipitous, but indistinct."

Artist: TXT
Song: Cat & Dog
Album: The Dream Chapter: Star


A new season is coming and our training sessions will become harder and longer. Jenduekie really have the power to demand the headmaster excuse us from all our minor subjects.

If you are curious about what my course is, only if, but if not, I'm still going to say it. I'm taking veterinary, so my baby Dalgomie is always healthy and a professional is taking care of him.

I'm not attending half of my classes because we have training, which is very nice. I'm excused from our classes, and I'm not going to sit and listen to our boring topics.

I really love attending our training, not because I can escape my class, but because I can see my beloved Pasta.

Today, our new jersey will be distributed. Jendukie was the one who designed it, and I bet it will be colored black since it was her favorite color.

The door opened widely, revealing Jessi with my pasta. They were carrying two big boxes. Of course, I ran towards Rosé to help her. However, Jessi made me carry hers instead, which made me grumble. I mentally pouted when I saw Limario helping my pasta instead.

We took a seat and waited for our name to be called. Jennie is the one calling us and checking if our jerseys fit on us.

"Kim." Jennie called me, and I immediately stood up from my seat. She handed me my new jersey and I wore it even though I was wearing a t-shirt.

"It suits me." "I said to Jennie, and she just nodded.

I went back to my seat as I took off my new jersey. I secretly glance at Rosé, and she is busy talking to Lisa. Did they know each other before? They look super close because Rosé is whispering and leaning towards Limario.

"What's wrong with chicken?" Jeongyeon nudged me and she followed where I was glancing. "They are friends and teammates."

"I'm not jealous." She chuckled.

"I didn't say you are. Why so defensive, huh?" I rolled my eyes and ignored her.

Suddenly, Jennie went quiet and stared at the list she was holding. She looked like she was having a hard time reading the name.

"Mano... bal?" Jennie said hesitantly, and she looked at us. "Who the heck is this?"

"It's me." Limario stood up from her seat and grabbed the jersey from Jennie's hand.

"That is your surname?" Jennie asked with one raised eyebrow.

"Yeah, is there something wrong with it?" Limario asked back.

"It sounds smelly." Jennie stated. "Lalisa Pranpriya Manobal."

"It's ManoBAN, not ManoBAL." She was corrected by Limario on how to pronounce her surname.

"But it's written here as M.A.N.O.B.A.L, so I believe it was read like Manobal." Limario sighed as Jennie showed her the list.

"That's how it's spelled, but it's pronounced differently, and I hope you'll leave my surname alone, Kim." Limario went back to her seat, looking annoyed.

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