C50: Continuation

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Artist: Jaymes Young
Song: Infinity
Album: Feels Something


The second set ended with the scores of 28-30. KM University won. One last set and they will win the championship game since this game had five sets.

Through the whole second set, Jennie never received a toss from Lisa and she never spiked the ball. All she did the whole set was receive, assist, serve, and chase the ball.

It frustrated her because she felt like Lisa was ignoring her and pretending she was not even there.

She wanted to confront Lisa, but she didn't want to lose her focus on the game, and she thought that Lisa might be planning something.

However, her patience was dwindling, especially when Lisa remained silent and didn't bother to tell her what she was planning, assuming Lisa did have a plan.

They are all inside the locker room, resting and gaining their energy back. The only ones quiet inside the locker room were Jennie and Lisa.

Their teammates noticed that Lisa was quiet, which is very unusual.

"Bro, gwenchana?" Seulgi asked Lisa.

"Hmm." Lisa hummed in response.

"How about you, captain? Gwenchana? " Seulgi asked their captain, who's been in a bad mood since the second game.

"I'm not. Why? Can you do something about it?" Jennie raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms to her chest.

Seulgi went quiet and she observed JenLisa. She nodded when she understood why Jennie was in a bad mood.

She glanced at her other teammates and she motioned for them to give Jennie and Lisa some privacy so they could talk.

The whole team quickly understood Seulgi. They quickly went outside, even Jessi, who was worried about Jennie and Lisa.

Once the team left the locker room, Jennie kept glancing at Lisa, who was not moving in her seat and didn't even throw a glance at her. 

"You're going to ignore me after you told me you miss me." Jennie said it loudly so Lisa could hear it.

"Lisayah?" Jennie bravely scooted closer to Lisa.

"Why?" Lisa asked her calmly.

"I'm your spiker, but why are you not giving me the ball?" Jennie looked at Lisa and her lower lip was slowly going upwards.

Lisa heaved a sigh and finally looked at Jennie.

"You are not in the right mind, Jen. I can see throughout the second set that your mind was wandering somewhere I don't know. " Lisa honestly answered.

"But you are the only one occupying my mind, so it's not wandering somewhere." Jennie replied, which made Lisa shake her head in disbelief.

"Jen, you need to put all your focus on the game, not me. You should prioritize the game today and nothing else, even me. "

"I'm going to lose you completely if I do that, and I don't want that to happen because you are my Lili." Lisa faced Jennie and cupped her face.

"You can just move me aside for now, and we will talk about that later after we win that game. For now, focus on the game or else I won't ever let you spike the ball. " Lisa said while directly looking at Jennie's feline eyes, making Jennie blush madly.

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