C41: Auction and Prize

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Artist: Winner
Song: Ah Yeah
Album: We


It's been 1 hour, 23 minutes, and 36 seconds since Hoyeon talked alone with Jennie. 

They were sitting way too close for my liking, and Hoyeon was always leaning closely to Jennie's right ear, so we couldn't hear what the hell they were talking about.

The couch is so wide, why do they have to sit too close to each other?

"If looks can kill, they are already dead." Seulgi whispered to me.

"How I wish that looks could kill, so Hoyeon is already dead." I whispered back with annoyance in my voice.

"Wow, jelly Limario is in our area." Jisoo burst our laughter.

"It's pretty new to see a jealous Limario. We didn't know you could get jealous." Jeongyeon appeared behind me, and she rested her arms on the backrest of the couch I was leaning on.

"For real? Are you all aware of my relationship with Jennie? " I asked them and they all nodded. "How?"

"If your girlfriend has not been obvious in the past few days, we will never know that she is your secret girlfriend." Jeongyeon explained, and she made sense. "But why didn't you tell us?"

Seulgi and Jisoo looked at me with raised eyebrows. Jeongyeon nudged Tzuyu and Cubby, who had been secretly listening to us.

"Wow, just wow. I can't really hide a secret from all of you, huh?" They nodded at the same time. "Jennie doesn't want to let you all know that she broke her own rule, so she said we should keep it lowkey."

"But, Jennie is the one who makes it so obvious." Tzuyu stated.

"Are you fine seeing your girlfriend with her first love?" Cubby asked, which made me think for a moment.

"Baby tiger, I think you just hit a homerun." Jisoo patted Cubby's head.

"I'm sorry, Monkey. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable with my question. " Cubby apologized to me.

"It's fine, I'm okay with it. They can do whatever they want; it's Jennie's life, not mine." I answered and smiled at them.

"Limario is right, it's Jennie's life. Therefore, she chose to watch them and get jealous." Seulgi said.

"I'm not jealous of them." I defended myself.

"YES, YOU ARE A HUNDRED PERCENT JELLY!!" They raised their voices, and that made me flinch, as did everyone at this table.

"Fine! I am!" I deeply sighed and chugged my beer.

"What's wrong, Monkey?" Rosé inquired, concerned.

"She just needs to loosen up a bit. We will go to the dance floor." Jisoo answered for me, and she dragged me to the dance floor.

The others went with us to the dance floor. We went in the middle, and we just moved along with the rhythm.

"Are you ready, Limario?" Jisoo asked, which made me confused.

"Ready for what?" I asked, confusedly.

"To wake the tiger hiding in the body of a kitten." Jisoo smirked, making me feel nervous.

"Whatever you guys are planning, stop it." I was about to go back to our table when Tzuyu, Jeongyeon, Seulgi, and Cubby blocked my way.

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