C34: Lowkey

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Artist: Niki
Song: Lowkey


"Be my girlfriend, Lili."

"Be my girlfriend, Lili."

"Be my girlfriend, Lili."

Did she just ask me to be her girlfriend?

Not really, because it sounds more like a demand.

She pulled away from the hug and sat up. I studied her face to see if she was serious, and she was.

I sat up in front of her, and she was waiting for my answer. Suddenly, she reached for both of my hands and she held them tightly.

"Are you agreeing or not?" She inquired.

I removed her hand from my hands and cupped her face. I examined her head to see if she hit her head or something.

"What is happening to you? Where the fuck is the bitchy Jennie Kim?" She slapped my arm and glared at me.

"I'm serious. Be my girlfriend." She said

"Why should I? You didn't even like me romantically." I stated, which made her pout.

"You are the only one who can stand and handle me." She responded by continuing to pout cutely.

"Are you perhaps thinking that no one will like you because of your damn attitude? Therefore, you thought to make me your girlfriend." She slightly nodded, which made me sigh.

"Thank God he made you cute and I like you, or I'd already punched you in the face." She rolled her eyes, and I got caught off guard when she pecked my lips.

"My heart likes you. It's beating so fast right now." She said, and pulled my head.

I listened to her heart and she was right.

"You are now my girlfriend, Lili. I have rules and you should follow them or else I'm going to beat you." She declared and straddled my lap. Her arms snaked around my nape and she smirked.

"Remove that smirk on your face or else I'm going to make your lips bleed." She slightly scratched my nape, making me relax.

"Gosh! My girlfriend badly wanted to punch me in the face." She dramatically said it and sighed.

"Stop acting, Kim." She smiled, showing me her gummy smile.

"Loosen up a bit, will you? Smile at your girlfriend; that is the only thing I want to see right now." I frowned instead of smiling, which made her smile drop.

She grabbed both of my cheeks and made them smile.

"Smile, Lili." She whined while trying to make me smile.

I playfully bit her finger and she acted shocked. She giggled and tried to retrieve her finger from my mouth, but I continued biting it, but not enough to hurt her.

"Since when did my baby monkey turn into a dog, huh?" She cooed and scratched under my chin like I was a dog.

I let go of her finger and she stole a kiss from my lips again.

"I'm going to sue you." I said as I wrapped my arm around her waist and hers around my neck.

"Why? What did I do? " She asked innocently.

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