C55: Best Night [M]

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"Let's do it then, daddy." I said seductively and licked my lips while staring at her in the eyes.

She blinked a couple of times, processing what I just said. Her eyes widened when she realize what I just said.

"I promise your father that I won't impregnate you until you finish college and we get married. I'm also just teasing you but if you want to do this then let's do it. You can decided whether we will do it right here, right n—." I closed her mouth using my hand stopping her from babbling.

It's obvious in her eyes that she is panicking which made me chuckled.

"Are you willing to do it with me, Lili?" I asked and withdrawn my hand from her mouth.

"Yeah, you are the only one I could think of when it comes to that. I never imagine myself doing that with someone who is not you because I believe you are for me and I am for you." She said full on sincerity and love.

"Then, let's do it." I carressed her face.

"You sure?" She confirmed and I nodded.

She didn't waste any more time, she kissed me hungrily and I quickly kissed her back. Her left hand went under my shirt and carressed my tummy while she kissing me.

I felt her bit my lower lip, asking for an entrance inside my mouth.

She pulled away and said, "Open your mouth, Baby."

I obliged. As soon as I opened it, she dashed her tongue inside my mouth and quickly explore it.

Her hands went to my mounds and massaged is using bot of her hands. I let out a sexy moan as she break the kiss and her started kissing my cheeks to neck.

"Ughh...L-lisa~" she continued massaging my breast while sucking my sensitive spot in my neck.

All of a sudden, she ripped my shirt and throw it somewhere inside our room. She unclasped my bra and throw it again somewhere.

She stare at my breast for a second then her gaze went to my eyes like she asking for a permission.

"Go on, do whatever you want." I encouraged her. She then sucked my right nipple while massaging and imaginining circles to my left breast.

"Ahhh~ Fuck! L-lisa~" I moaned and pushed her head more closer. She gave the same attention my left breast.

When she got satisfied liking my mounds, she stood up from the bed and took of her clothes.

I watched her undressed infront of me and I saw her whole body naked.

After she finish taking off her clothes, she unbuckled my belt and pulled down my jeans and underwear.

Her body so well sculpted that it could end up in a art of a big museum. It's mine, all of her is mine; body, soul, and everything.

She was on top of me and I can feel her cock against my pussy. She taking so time and I'm getting patient so I wrapped my legs at her waist and tried to push her cock into my hole.

"Eager, are we?" She whispered to my ear and bit it.

"Uhmmm...L-lisa, please hurry." She chuckled and bit my flesh.


Third Person

Lisa went down on Jennie and positioned herself between her legs. The scent of Jennie's arousal filled Lisa's head and before Jennie could talk, Lisa ran a tongue across her lower folds, being rewarded with a small scream as an electric current passed through her body.

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