C62: Joke

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We arrived in front of a massive building with a sign reading K & B Hotels. I got into the Hummer car and followed Jennie inside the K & B Hotels.

The receptionist quickly greeted us and gave Jennie the keys even though she hadn't uttered any words yet, which made me confused.

We rode the elevator and Jennie pressed the 18th floor, which I believe is the last floor in this building.

She led me to a room, a VIP room to be exact, based on its interior design and the incredible view.

The light automatically opened and I looked around. The view caught my interest, so I went to the balcony, where I encountered a very strong wind, but it wasn't enough to make my bangs move.

All of a sudden, an arm wrapped around my waist and her front pressed against my back so that I could feel her cocomelons.

"Nini." I tried to turn to her but she wouldn't let me and she started kissing my nape softly. "What are you doing?"

"Make you feel better." She answered while continuing to leave kisses on my nape.

Shit! Did she reserve a hotel so we have privacy with this adult stuff?!

"Don't tell me what's on my mind is right." She chuckled and tightened her hug. I looked at her arm to see a different linen fabric.

She was wearing a bathrobe, and I think she was no longer wearing her clothes inside of it except her undergarments.

I felt my whole face going hot, even though it's pretty cold up here.

"Let's start our early honey moon." She made me turn around and kiss the tip of my nose.

All I knew next was that she pulled me inside and closed the glass sliding door of the balcony.


Ring! Ring! Ring!

A loud noise woke me up from my deep sleep. I reached for the phone on the bedside table and lazily answered it. It's Jisoo.

J: What's up, motherfucker?! I'm back with a fiancee!!

She shouted on the phone, making me pull my phone a bit away from my ear. I looked down to see my kitten sleeping peacefully on my chest.

L: Good to hear then, but I'm glad you and Rosie didn't happen. Did she reject you so you could find someone to propose to, leaving you with no face to show us?

I began cradling the back of Jennie's head, causing her to sigh contentedly, and she snuggled closer to my neck like a cute little kitten.

J: What on earth are you talking about?!

L: You and Rosie didn't happen.

J: Bro! You stupid monkey!! She is now my fiancee.

L: Why did you call?

I changed the topic because I still wanted to sleep because I'm still sleepy since Jennie kept me awake the whole night.

J: I called to inform you of the news.

L: Congratulations, Jisoo. I hope the best for you and Rosie. I think the ten-inch strap-on I gave you is worth it.

J: What the fuck!I didn't use it! 

L: Stop lying. I know you did and you enjoyed it. Once again, congratulations and take care of each other. You two are perfect for each other. Treat us later...bye!

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