C42: Gifts

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Artist: Winner
Song: Millions


It's already afternoon, but this baby beside me is still sleeping while hugging my waist tightly and her head buried in my chest. My right arm is already numb because it's her pillow and my left hand is stroking her hair.

When is she planning to wake up? I badly wanted to stand up because I needed to pee and my arm is numb.

I want to stand up, but I can't because I will wake her and I don't want to wake this baby who is sleeping peacefully.

"Lili." I whispered to her ears, but instead of answering, she just wrapped her arms more tightly around mine.

She doesn't want me to go. This baby really loves to cuddle me and cling to me.

"Be thankful, you are so adorable." I kissed her forehead and continued stroking her silky hair.

All of a sudden, I heard the phone ringing, but not too loudly. I tried to reach for it from the bedside table, and I successfully did.

Her little brother is calling. I think I should answer it and tell him that her sister is still sleeping.

On The Phone

>Noona! Mom is looking for you, and I don't know where the hell you are because you didn't even tell me where you went!

When he shouted, I distanced the phone from my ear.

It's Jennie. Your big sister is still sleeping. She stayed a night here in my house.

>Jennie? From where?

I furrowed my eyebrows and glanced at Lisa, who was still sleeping.

Does this baby know any Jennie except for me?

Jennie, the captain of the volleyball team.

>Oh! The bitch!

I want to shout at him, but Lili would wake up if I did that.

Shut up, you tall, skinny jerk.

>Tell Noona to come home today and don't you dare make her commute. You should drive her here.

I will. I'm going to hang up now.

>Hmm, bye bitch.

Before I could even respond, he hung up the phone, which made me sigh in frustration.

Even though you are my baby's little brother, I'm not going to hesitate to kill you. 

"This tall, skinny jerk." I glared at Lisa's phone.

"Are you talking about me?" I heard Lisa, and she had just woken up. I kissed her lips, and she responded.

"I'm talking to your brother on your phone. Your Mom is looking for you." I said to Lisa.

Instead of standing up to prepare herself, she rolled on top of me and buried her head in my neck. 

"Can I sleep more?" She mumbled against my skin.

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