C40: Midnight Club

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Artist: Khalid, Disclosure
Song: Talk


We just arrived at the Midnight Club. Seulgi is with me because she fetched me from my house. 

Actually, I'm supposed to fetch Chaeyoung-ah at her house, but her father wants to drive her here to Midnight Club by himself.

Seulgi and I arrived earlier than our teammates. Limario is still not here and she had better prepare herself because she left us in the arcade with a lot of girls surrounding us.

My loyalty and faithfulness to Roseanne got tested. I didn't look at those girls and didn't speak to them, even though it was tempting. However, I can't and will not allow myself to be tempted.

I love Park Chaeyoung with all of my heart.

We are inside, waiting for our teammates to arrive. They are taking longer than I thought, and I'm getting bored now.

"Why are they taking so long?" I asked Seulgi as I crossed my legs.

"You know, this is not just a club but also a fashion show." Seulgi answered, and she had a point.

Everyone inside this club is wearing an expensive and fashionable outfit that they think they look good in.

I looked at myself to check my outfit.

"How do I look?" I asked Seulgi, and she looked at me from head to toe.

"Chicken." she answered, receiving a smack on her head from me.

"Dumb Bear." I clicked my tongue in annoyance, making her laugh.

"We look so great, Jisoo-yah. Not just because of our clothes, but also because of our amazing visuals. We can pull off every outfit, even a sack of rice. " She stood up and flexed her outfit. 

"See? I look hot right?" I shook my head.

"You look dumb." I shielded myself before she even smacked me on the head.

"Yo! Yo!" Jeongyeon shouted, and she walked towards us with Tzuyu and Cubby following her from behind.

"What's up bro?" We fist bumped and took a seat.

"Nice outfit you guys had." Tzuyu complimented

"Of course." We said it in unison, and we laughed.

We ordered drinks but not the strong ones because the night was still long and we were still not complete.

I was busy looking around and waiting for Roseanne when someone caught my eyes.

"Shit!" I cursed, and that made my friends look at me.

"Why? What's wrong? " Cubby asked.

"67 is here." I said and pointed where I saw our former member.

"Of course she will be here, especially when her team will be our opponent." Tzuyu said blankly, and she looked unbothered by Hoyeon's presence.

"I feel something will happen later." Jeongyeon said, and we nodded in agreement.

"Are we not going to do something about it?" Seulgi asked, which made us think.

Last time I remember, Jennie told her to not show herself to her and she transferred to another school, which is SNU.

There is a big possibility that Jennie and Hoyeon will meet, especially when some bitches from other universities like to start a fight.

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