C7: Subway Station

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"While walking through the cracks of my universe 
We both make an eye contact
You're talking about anything and still don't know
Just a little bit just a little bit Ooh will it be like this?"

Song: Just A Little Bit


I watched Jennie from a good distance. She was having a staring fight with the floor. It's already late at night and it's dangerous for her to stay here alone.

Therefore, I decided to wait for her to finish her business here at the public basketball court.

Suddenly, she picked up her bag and left her phone on the ground. Well, it's already broken and cannot be used anymore since it has pretty major damage.

I walked behind Jennie but not too close to her, or she might think I was following her. It's just a coincidence that we are both going to the subway station.

We both arrived at the subway station. I noticed that she didn't have a transportation card.

I stood beside her and used my transportation card. She looked at me when the metal bar in front of her opened.

I bowed slightly to her and walked ahead. I heard her footsteps behind me and we waited for the train to arrive.

She was standing 4 feet away from me, carrying a duffle bag, wearing a pink cardigan tucked into her short black skirt, and black stockings.

Doesn't she feel cold in her outfit?

The train arrived, and I let her go inside first. There are no available seats since the company's workers occupy all the seats.

From time to time, I glance at Jennie. I frowned when I saw a guy in his late thirties staring at Jennie's legs.

He brought out his phone and was planning to take a photo of Jennie, but I quickly blocked his way and bumped his hand so his phone fell on the ground.

We both reach for his phone. Instead of picking up his phone, I grabbed his wrist.

"Don't you dare look nor take a photo of her." I growled in his left ear. I let go of him and he nervously looked at me.

I stood behind Jennie and she turned around to face me. I just noticed how cute our height difference is.

Jennie was just looking at me and she was not talking. That made me confused. She suddenly tugged my jacket.

"I'm cold." She said blankly.

Does she want me to lend my jacket to her?

I removed my windbreaker jacket and wrapped it around her shoulder. I mentally chuckled when I noticed that my jacket looked big on her.

She zipped my jacket and put both of her hands inside the pocket. She really felt cold, but why didn't she wear warmer clothes?

"Are you just going to stare at me?" I asked and frowned when she just stood there, not even holding onto anything in case the train would shake.

"Can't reach it." She uttered and I immediately understood what she was referring to.

I hold onto the grab handle and make her hold onto my arm instead, since she can't reach the grab handle.

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