C52: Visit

31K 1K 259

Artist: Monsta X
Song: Love U
Album: All About Luv


It's been five months have passed.

Lili has already graduated from college and is working at Newspaper Korea as a newspaper editor.

We have been nothing but busy with our lives. She is busy with her work and I'm busy with college. Lately, we haven't had time to spend with each other because it's either one of us is not available or one of us is free on this day.

It's frustrating not to go on dates with her and not be able to spend more time with her like before.

She is going home when I'm already asleep, and I'm going to college when she is still asleep. We only sometimes met each other awake.

Today, I decided to not attend my class because I badly wanted to see her.

I'm driving to Newspaper Korea, where she's working, and I didn't tell her that I was going to visit her.

It's almost time for lunch. I need to get there fast, so I won't have a hard time looking for her.

I arrived at Newspaper Korea and let the guard park my car since he recognized whose car I was using and it's my dad's car.

Dad was a big investor in Newspaper Korea. That's why there was no bad issue or bad news published about him by Newspaper Korea.

Employees from the companies my dad's partners all know that once a car with a plate number had the initials J and K written in gold, it meant it was a VIP.

The guard opened the car door for me and I thanked him, which made him a bit surprised. Maybe he didn't expect a VIP like me to waste time and saliva talking to him.

"Here, take care of it." I handed him the car keys and a hundred dollar bill.

He was about to refuse the money, but I had already walked away.

A lot of employees who recognized me politely bowed and greeted me. I just gave them a nod of acknowledgement since Lili told me that I should never ignore those people who greet me politely.

Lili taught me some manners, and since I'm a good girlfriend, I listened to her and followed what she said.

That's being a good girlfriend, right?

I rode the elevator and pressed the 7th floor button. 

No one dared to ride the elevator with me. I motioned to them to get inside, but they refused, saying they still had somewhere else to go.

I arrived on the 7th floor and once my feet stepped out of the elevator, Everyone sitting in their cubicle stood up in the same motion from their seat and bowed at me like they were some sort of part of the military.

"Next time, don't do some stunts like this. I'm only the daughter of your company's investor." I told them.

"Yes, MS. Kim!" They said it in unison and went back to their work when I motioned to them not to mind me.

Ms. Kim doesn't sound too good to me. I think I would prefer to be called Mrs. Manoban instead.

I walked to Lili's office and I felt the employees were secretly watching me and pretending they were working.

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