C46: Hangover

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Artist: HRVY
Song: Personal
Album: Talk To Ya- EP


My head is fucking hurting.

The hangover really makes me feel like I'm going to die. I felt like a truck hit my head because of this extreme headache I'm having right now.

I opened my eyes widely when I realized that I was not in my bedroom. I peeked under the blanket to see myself wearing pajamas I did not own.

"Ottoke!" I exclaimed and stood up from the bed, then started to look for my phone.

Where the hell is my fucking phone?

All of a sudden, I heard the door open, revealing Jisoo with Rosé.

"Where are we? Who the fuck changed my clothes? Did you see me naked? What stupidity did I commit last night?" I bombarded them with questions.

"We are in my house." Jisoo replied nonchalantly.

I looked around and didn't see any proof that it was her house.

:Seriously?" I confirmed it and she nodded. "I didn't know you had a pretty nice house."

"If you forgot, I'm the daughter of the owner of an airline and a hotel." She reminded me, which made my mouth go O.

"Who changed my clothes?" I asked, earning a deep sigh from Jisoo, and she slowly raised her hand.

"I did, with a blindfold." She said in a low voice, looking so embarrassed and shy.

"It means you are already aware of Emily Dickinson." She nodded.

"You shouted last night, so we all know what you had down there." She pointed at my crotch.

"Enough talking, I'm already hungry." Rosé said, and she walked out of the room, leaving us.

"Let's go downstairs. I bet you have an extremely painful headache." Jisoo said, and I nodded.

We went downstairs to the kitchen to eat our breakfast that Jisoo and Rosé cooked for us.

I sat beside Cubby while rubbing my scalp because I felt like my head was beating.

"Morning, Monkey." Cubby greeted me and she pushed a bowl of kimchi jjigae in front of me.

"Thanks." I grab a spoon and drink the soup of kimchi jjigae.

"Liz, can you remember what you did yesterday?" Rosé asked me, which made me think for a moment.

Suddenly, something flashed in my mind that made me feel embarrassed.

"Am I not lovable? Is this because I'm a freak? It's not my fault that I had a fucking Emily Dickinson! I was born with it and I can't change it! At least we have a chance to have a baby without asking for a sperm donor!"

I facepalmed myself and sighed.

"Jennie! I love you, but why can't you love me too, like how much I love you? Is it hard to love me? If you Jennie are not the right one for me, I hope Rosé, Nayeon, Sana, Mina, and Irene are not the right ones for Jisoo, Seulgi, Tzuyu, Cubby, and Seulgi too!"

"Fuck! Did I really act so pathetic last night? " I asked my friends, and they nodded.

"You cry, laugh, play, and then fall asleep." Seulgi said.

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