C11: Bike

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"Act crazy and step on it
Let’s go on a ride Get on my bike let’s go."

Artist: Chungha
Song: Bicyle
Album: Querencia


I went inside the mansion and got surpised when I was welcomed by my own father. However, I didn't showed to him that I was surprised seeing him.

He is frowning and his arms was crossed to his chest.

"Who is she?" He asked with one raise eyebrow. He didn't even bother asking how is my day, such a very thoughtful father.

"None of your business." I answered with annoyance in my tone.

I was about to walk away when he grab my wrist making me look at him.

"I'm asking you a question and you better answer it properly, young lady." He said sternly which earn eye roll from me.

I forcefully remove his hand from my wrist and glared at him.

"And I clearly told you that it's none of your business especially when you are nothing to me." I said with so much venom in my voice.

I quickly went to my room before he even response and say mean things about me.

Well, my parents and I didn't get along well because for them I'm just a robot that they can control but I didn't let them.

I locked my door and slumped my body in my bed.

"I hate them so much." I uttered.

They been controling me since day one and I never get the love I want from them. I can't believe that until now I'm still living with them even though I badly wanted to get out of this mansion I can't they will hire someone to find me.


As usual, I woke up early in the morning to prepare myself for our morning training. New season is will be in a week and it will make our team busy once again.

Balancing our studies and training can be hard but we still manage to study and train in the same time.

I went to the kitchen to grab something to eat for my breakfast.

My father is sitting in the stool, reading daily news paper while drinking his black coffee.

I didn't bother greeting him, I just mind my own business. I grab strawberries and milk from the refrigerator. I was about to walk away when my father spoke.

"Good morning, Ruby Jane." He said and sarcasm is evident to his voice which made my eyes roll.

"There is nothing good in the morning." I clicked my tongue in annoyance and walked away.

I quickly went out of the mansion and ignore everyone greeting me. I'm walking to the subway station while I'm eating my breakfast.

As I walk peacefully in the side walk, a bike suddenly appeared in front of me that almost hit me.

"Yah!" I shouted and heard her chuckled.

"Morning, Capt!" It's Lisa. I ignore her and walked pass her. "Captain, where is my good morning too?"

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