C20: Love Hotel

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"It's just a little crush,
yeah you tell yourself that."

Artist: Jeffrey Lenh
Song: Just A Little Crush


When I arrive at Jennie's mansion, she is already waiting for me in front of their massive gate.

She's leaning in a sports car with shades on. She looks pretty hot in her outfit and position.

"Catch!" She threw me her car keys and I quickly caught them.

She sat in the passenger seat and motioned for me to get inside the car, which I did.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"Just follow the GPS." She answered.

"You want me to drive?" She put down her shades and looked at me blankly. "I haven't renewed my license and the police might catch us."

"Let's change seats then." She said, and I went down to the car.

I sat in the passenger seat and she started driving. I don't know where we are going and I don't know why she is driving so fast like she is in a hurry.

We arrived in front of a mall, and she got out of the car without saying anything. I followed her behind and watched her figure.

"What are we going to do here?" I asked and walked beside her.

"Shopping." She said nonchalantly.

We went to the Chanel store and she brought the items she found nice without looking at the price.

She paid for everything using her black card, and she made me carry her bags. I just followed her like a loyal puppy without saying a word.

We went to a sports house next, and she checked the windbreaker jackets that the store was selling.

I sat on the long bench, watching Jennie choose the clothes she wanted.

"Which one do you think suits me? Black or Navy Blue." Jennie asked me while showing me two windbreaker jackets.

"Black." I said.

"Why?" She asked, which made me confused.

"What do you mean by why?" She raised an eyebrow like she was telling me to answer her damn question. "Because it suits you and you look chic and hot when you are wearing black."

"Really?" She asked, and I saw that she was biting her lower lip, like she was stopping herself from smiling.

"Yeah."She nodded and quickly turned around.

"30 Black Windbreak Jacket." My eyes widened as she said it in the staff.

"30?" I asked Jennie, and she nodded. "Isn't that a lot?"

"Do you think so?" I nodded, and she looked back to the staff. "Just make it 20, since the doll here thinks it's a lot."

We went out of the store, and I was carrying a lot of paper bags. She didn't even bother helping me.

"Are you hungry?" She asked, and I hummed in response.

We went to a restaurant, and a waitress guided us to a private room. As soon as we arrived in the private room, I put all her bags on the floor and sat in the chair comfortably.

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