C35: Thesis

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Artist: Zack Tabudlo
Song: Habang Buhay
Album: Episode


It's been a week since Jennie and I became together, and also it's been a week since we hid our real relationship from others.

Our relationship is fun and amusing because we pretend to be friends and teammates in public, but once we are alone together in private, we are lovers.

No one knows that we are girlfriends, not even Jennie and I's parents. We are still not at that stage. Jennie said we should take it slow.

To be honest, I desperately wanted to announce to the world that we were together and that I adored her.

Yes, you read it right. I fell in love with Jennie.

However, Jennie only likes me and the idea of me staying by her side forever. I know I love her more than she loves me.

As long as I can hold her in my arms and be with her, it's absolutely fine with me. I don't have any problem or objection with that.

Her smile is enough to make my day better. I'm really in love with Jennie. She became the reason why I'm so excited to wake up in the morning and why I love to go to school.

I always wanted to be by her side 24/7, 365 or 366. I can't believe I'm head over heels for this Captain Bitch of mine.

Here I am waiting outside Jennie's department building for her to come out.

I'm planning to have dinner with her because it's been a long time since I hanged with her and we have never been on a date since we became officially together.

I saw her come out of the building with Irene unnie, and Nayeon. They were talking about something before they bid their goodbyes to each other.

I was about to wave my hand for Jennie to notice me, but a guy blocked my view. He was talking with Jennie about something, and it looked like they had a project.

The guy handed Jennie a lot of papers, and I bet it was heavy. I slowly walked towards them and I heard the guy offer Jennie a ride, but Jennie declined it.

Finally, Jennie noticed me when she felt someone staring at her. I waved my hand at her and showed her my infamous smile.

"Let me help you with that." I carried the papers and some of Jennie's books.

"I'll get going now, Jen. It looks like your friend can help you with these papers. " The guy said, and he left.

"You must be so tired of this thesis paper, right?" I asked Jennie, and she nodded while pouting cutely.

"Tomorrow is the deadline of that thesis paper and I need to study for our quizzes." She answered tiredly.

"Let's go home, it's getting late." She nodded.

We walked beside each other with a space between us. I called an Uber so we didn't have to walk to the subway and ride a crowded train.

Later on, we arrive at Jennie's mansion. I went inside their mansion because she told me to do so and she was too tired to carry her stuff.

Her parents welcomed us and let us go to Jennie's bedroom.

By the way, Uncle Jungjae and I are already okay. I was just so mad that day at him because he hurt Jennie so much.

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