C66: Ms. And Mrs.Manoban

25.7K 836 107

Artist: Kygo, Imagine Dragons
Song: Born To Be Yours


Jennie and I are at the mall right now, looking for some things that will be needed at home and some things for our unborn son.

Yes, you read it right. Jennie and I will be having a son as our first ever child. She is so excited about it and she is hoping that it will look exactly like me.

The old folks who made a bet about the gender of our child are now in Italy on vacation for three months. The three losers paid for the trip. I think you already know who they are.

"Hubby, I want to buy a couple of pajamas for the two of us." Nini said as we walked to the department store.

"Sure, let's go buy a lot of pairs with different designs." I responded by kissing her head.

We are both pushing the push cart and she is in my arms. I looked like I was hugging her from behind.

We went to where the couple pajamas are found. A staff member quickly assisted us as my wife chose which designs she wanted.

"I want the yellow, black, baby pink, purple, stripes, and those silk pajamas." Nini said to the staff member who quickly put the pajamas into our cart.

"What else do we need, Nini?" I asked her.

"I think we already bought everything we needed." She replied.

We quickly paid for the things we bought, then I drove us home to our new house that was designed by the two of us.

I carried all of our stuff we bought and went inside the house.

"You should take a rest, Nini. I can arrange everything we bought. " I guided her to the big couch.

"You sure?" She asked, and I nodded.

"I'm sure. Just call me if you need anything." I kissed her head and went to the kitchen to arrange our stuff.

As I was arranging our things, I heard laughter coming from the living room, which made me stop what I was doing.

Nini was laughing so much because of the movie she was watching. She is watching "Red Notice," starring Dwayne Johnson, Ryan Reynolds, and Gal Gadot.

I quickly finished everything and went beside her with a blanket in my hand.

She patted the space beside her as soon as she saw me coming. I wrapped the blanket around the both of us and cuddled on the big couch while watching some movie.

"They are genius thieves, Lili." She commented, earning a nod from me.

"They really are, their things are so advanced." I replied as I gently stroked her hair, causing her to yawn and snuggle closer to my chest. "Are you tired?"

"Hmm." She hummed in response.

"Go ahead, take a nap." I kissed her temple and she fell asleep in my chest.

I lower the volume of the TV to the point where I can't hear what the actors are saying in the movie.

I don't want to disturb the baby that is sleeping on my chest because she looks so tired and I want her to take a rest.

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