C29: Third Game

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" They may disagree but I think you're something special
They might disagree but I think you're something new
Don't you let them bother you with their futile frail opinions
I think you're really one of a kind."

Artist: Sam Ock feat. Sarah Kang
Song: One of a Kind
Album: To Belonging


It's our third game today. We will be playing against AOA University, and the game will happen at their university. I was waiting for Lisa outside the courthouse when she didn't show up.

I'm scrolling on my phone, waiting for her to text her. Suddenly, someone snatched my phone.

"Whom are you texting with, Crushie? Did you already replace me?" Lisa asked, smiling widely at me.

"Yeah, I prefer Lili over Monkey." I was about to get back my phone from her, but she raised her hand, so I couldn't reach it.

"You don't like Lisa?" She asked.

"No, she is not cool." She looked at me with an offended face.

"I don't think so, Kim." She returned my phone and pointed at the group of girls eyeing her. "See? I already made a fanclub at this university."

"Cocky." I flicked her nose, which made her hiss in pain, and I noticed that there was a bandage wrapped around her hand.

"Let's go inside. The game will start in a couple of minutes." She said, and I grabbed her wrist, which startled her.

"What happened to this? Did you hurt yourself? Did you clean your wound properly? How deep and long was your wound?" I bombarded her with questions as I examined her hand.

"I did what I think is right and I chose to get hurt." She said softly.

"Lisa-yah, can I see your wound?" She frowned a bit, but she nodded. I unwrapped the bandage and saw her wound. Her knuckles had bruises as well.

It's long and not too deep, so it doesn't need to be stitched. However, it must be so painful that she will avoid using it for the time being.

"Does it hurt?" I asked as I wrapped the bandage around her hand.

"A bit." she answered.

Suddenly, she leaned forward on me and rested her forehead on my shoulder. She deeply sighed and chuckled weakly.

"I don't have the confidence to face Rosé. I'm scared that she will avoid me and feel uncomfortable around me." She said it in a low voice, almost in a whisper.

"Aigoo, Lisa-yah." I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and gently stroked her silky hair.



"I like you." She confessed again.

"I know." She pulled away from my shoulder and smiled.

"Let's go inside." She grabbed my hand and dragged me into the court.

We went to the bleachers where our other teammates were. I saw Jisoo and Rosie happily talking to each other. It looks like Jisoo has a chance on Rosie.

"Oh! Limario!" Jisoo exclaimed when she saw Lisa.

She ran towards her and threw herself at her.

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