C65: Wedding

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Artist: Daniel Caesar, H.E.R
Song: Best Part
Album: Freduian


September 23rd, the most awaited day of my life, because it's Jennie and I's wedding, which makes me feel excited and nervous at the same time.

I'm in my dressing room, walking back and forth.

Jisoo, Jeongyeon, Seulgi, Cubby, Tzuyu, Kai, and Haruto are here. They watched me walk back and forth, looking nervous as fuck.

"You can back out if you want." Haruto said that didn't help to ease my nervousness.

"Shut up, Haru." I told him, which made him zip up his mouth.

"What's so nervous about getting married?" Jisoo asked a question, which made all of us think and also made me stop walking back and forth.

"I don't know, I just feel so nervous and there is no explanation why." I answered.

Jisoo stood up from her seat, wearing a lady's suit. She went towards me and held both of my shoulders, making me look at her.

"Limario, just look on the bright side. After this marriage, you can add another baby in her stomach on your honeymoon. " She wiggled her eyebrows and I smacked her on the head.

"Yah! It hurts! " She rubbed the back of her head. "I just want more nieces, Limario."

"I want a niece from you too." I pointed an index finger at her like I was warning her.

"I can't impregnate my beautiful fiancee, but we can do something about that with IVF. So, don't worry, you will have a niece from me." She reassured me.

"You are having a niece from me and Irene. I'm not Kai, who is not using his dickinson on purpose like giving us a niece. " Seulgi sighed in disappointment.

"Yah! Why did I get involved here?" Kai complained.

"I bet 5000 dollars that Kai and Krystal haven't done it." Jeongyeon placed her wallet on the table as a sign that she was betting her money.

"Making out is the only thing they have done." Tzuyu joined the bet.

"Aisshh. Yah! Stop betting on me and Krystal!" 

"What is so hard about asking her to marry and make love with her? Why are you such a coward, Kai Hyung?" Haruto inquired.

"What if she is still not ready?" Kai asked back.

"Aisshh, stop with the what if questions. Just admit that you are a coward and too shy to ask her." Seulgi said, earning a nod of agreement from us.

"You're older than us, even to Lisa and Jennie, but they married before you and Krystal." Cubby said.

"It's Lisa and Jennie's wedding. We should talk about them, not about my relationship." Kai heaved a deep sigh.

We laughed at his defeated expression. He is fun to tease because he is always losing and can't fight us.

"But, Limario, are you sure that you really want to marry that bitchy captain of ours?" Tzuyu asked.

"Of course! I had a pretty tough time before we finally got together. Every time I'm remembering the past, I can't help but feel that it was totally worth it, even though I got hurt so badly." 

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