C28: Hurting

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"We can love who we want to
Don't say she's not supposed to
If it's not Ken but Barbie
She doesn't have to say sorry"

Artist: Kate Gill
Song: barbie&ken


I was about to run after Rosé, but Jisoo stopped me by grabbing my arm and shaking her head, as if she was saying don't.

"Give her some space. You might hurt her more." Jisoo said matter-of-factly.

Jisoo followed Rosé, and she said that she would talk to her. I just watched her figure till it disappeared, and I felt so dumb for hurting Rosé.

I understand what Rosé was trying to say earlier. I was just surprised when I learned that she had feelings for me.

All I can offer her is friendship, nothing else. She is my sister, my twin sister. We have a lot of similarities, and we always have fun when we are together. She is the best sister I ever had. 

Her gestures towards me have different meanings. She wants me to know that she likes me, but I was too dumb to think that it's just a friendly gesture.

"Nice one, Lisa." I deeply sighed.

I was sitting in the bleachers at the football field. 

Am I that oblivious not to notice her feelings towards me?

I'm sorry for hurting you without knowing, Chaeyoung-ah.

"Lisa-yah." I flinched when I heard Jennie's voice behind me.

She took a seat beside me, and she was looking at me worriedly.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"I'm so dumb and oblivious." She raised an eyebrow and looked at me confusedly. "I didn't know or notice that Rosé liked me romantically."

"It's because you only see her as a friend and you thought that her gestures were just friendly, not romantically." She responded.

"I wanted to talk to her, but Jisoo stopped me. She said that Rosé needed some space to think." Jennie grabbed my hand and held it.

"Lisa-yah, you can talk to her if she is already fine and comfortable doing so. What Jisoo said is right. All you can do right now is wait." She rubbed her thumb on the back of my hand.

"Rosé is not the only one hurting." I said.

"Jisoo too." Jennie added, and I nodded.

"It's funny that the three of us are stuck in one-sided love. Jisoo likes Rosé, Rosé likes me, and I like you." I said and chuckled weakly.

"Soon, you three are no longer stuck on one side. Let's just hope that Jisoo and Rosie will happen soon. I know you are lowkey shipping them." I nodded in agreement.

I hope that Chaesoo will sail soon. They will make a good couple. However, there are still people who might stop the two of them.

Don't worry, Chu, I'm on your side. I will try to do something about.



Rosé and I are in the public park, sitting in the swing and just watching the kids that are playing around.

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