C38: Same Situation

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Artist: Somi
Song: Anymore
Album: XOXO


Lalisa quickly pulled away and she distanced herself from me. She looked so nervous that this someone might get suspicious of us.

I looked where the voice was from to see which person I hated the most.

"Hoyeon." I uttered her name, and she waved her hand awkwardly.

"It's been almost a year since I last saw you, J. You still look great as ever." She smiled at me. "How are you?"

"I don't think you are in a position to ask how I am." I said with annoyance, and she looked down a bit, trying to hide her building tears in her eyes.

I was about to stand up from my seat, but Lisa stopped me by holding my arm.

"Jennie, I think you two should talk and fix whatever you two had." Lisa said, in a serious tone.

She called me Jennie not Nini, it means she is really serious about it. I don't think Lisa knows who the girl in front of us is. If she knows who she is, she might get mad and tell her to fuck off.

I was about to speak, but she rose from her seat and motioned for Hoyeon to sit. She whispered something to Hoyeon and patted her shoulder.

"Control your anger and talk to her properly without shouting or throwing things at her. I'll be waiting outside. Call my name if you need me." Lisa smiled at me and she patted my head.

She walked away, leaving me alone with Hoyeon. I watched her figure exit the ice cream parlour.

Hoyeon cleared her throat, getting my attention. She began fidgeting with her hands and appeared nervous.

"I'm glad you met Lisa." She broke the uncomfortable silence surrounding us.

"You know her?" I confirmed it and she nodded.

"We met in the championship game last season. She watched the whole game and stayed till all the people left the court. " 

I took a deep breath and controlled my anger. I badly wanted to curse her and get out of her, then go to Lisa who was waiting outside.

"Where are you studying now?" I asked calmly.

"Seoul National University." She answered, which made me chuckle in disbelief.

"You managed to carry your whole team to the championship, huh?" I raised an eyebrow and she shook her head.

"The whole team contributed. I'm not the only one who does all the work." I rolled my eyes.

Well, Lisa didn't say that I couldn't roll my eyes while talking to Hyoyeon.

"J, I want to apologize to you for not telling you my situation and for deciding without considering you and our whole team." She said it with full sincerity.

"Do you think that it is easy to forgive you? After you betray me and especially the whole team." I almost raised my tone and I felt my anger rising.

"I know what I did is unacceptable, but I only did that for my mo—" I cut her off.

"Your mom, I know, but still you betray us!" I raise my tone because I can't control my emotions anymore. 

I stood up from my seat and she grabbed my wrist to stop me in my tracks.

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