C36: Great Tandem

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Artist: Khalid
Song: Better
Album: Suncity


I was in the middle of studying when I heard someone knock on my door. It opened before I even got up from my seat.

"Oh! Chongah." I turned around in my chair and faced her.

"Are you busy?" She inquired.

"Nope, not at all. What are you doing here? It's late and we have a game tomorrow. " I stood up from my seat and followed her.

She opened my window and went outside to our roof. We sat on the roof and watched the sky.

She came prepared. She brought beer and snacks. It looks like we have something to talk about.

"Be honest with me, Monkey. Are you and Jennie unnie in a relationship? " She asked as she handed me a beer.

"Yes, we are." I accepted the beer.

There is no point in hiding it from Rosé, especially when she has a great instinct. She is also my best friend, and we promised each other we would never hide anything from one another.

"Figures." She opened a pack of chips and put them between us.

"Why did you ask?" I asked her.

"I don't want to make an assumption, and also I want to tell you to tell you something about Jennie." I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at her in confusion.

"What is it? Tell me. " She took a sip of her beer and glanced at me.

"I'm not in a position to tell you what the real deal is between Jennie unnie, and Hyoyeon because they never admitted what they were to us."

"However, I want to tell you that Jennie unnie and Hoyeon had a big fight before the championship game, which some of us believe was the reason why Hoyeon gave up."

"We didn't know the real reason behind the fight, but we heard that Hoyeon did something bad to Jennie, like betraying her and hurting her."

"Elaborate it, Chongah. I have a lot of assumptions in my head." She sighed and nodded.

"The first time I saw Jennie unnie, and Hoyeon, I knew there was something romantically going on between them. Since freshman year until last season, they have always been together."

"I believe that Jung Hoyeon is Jennie's first love." I almost dropped my beer when I heard that. 

"Tell me more." I said.

"Hyoyeon also feels the same. They were both aware of each other's feelings but never became officially together, especially when the incident happened. "

"Incident?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Hoyeon betrayed the whole team by letting SM University win because the captain of SM University is also the owner of the hospital where Hoyeon's mother was admitted."

What else is there for me to know?

"Therefore, the captain of SM University used that advantage to make a negotiation with Hoyeon. She probably offered or threatened Hoyeon. " I continued her statement and Rosé slightly nodded in response. "Does Jennie know all of this?

"Yup, that's why she didn't get revenge on Hoyeon. She is mad at Hoyeon for not telling her so she could help her pay for her mother's hospital bills and put them under her protection." She responded, which made me sigh.

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