C14: Worth It

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"Hey, even if you don't say anything
You're the only one who gets me
I'm going to your arms today."

Song: To you
Album: Attacca


Today I will be discharged from the hospital. Haruto was supposed to accompany me, but I told him not to because he had an important exam he needed to take.

Jennie already paid for the bills, and all I needed to do was get my ass off the hospital bed.

I stood up from my bed and changed my clothes into the new clean ones that Haruto had brought earlier.

It's still early in the morning, I think around 6AM, but I already want to go home because I'm not comfortable here in the hospital.

I got all of my stuff and left the room. I was walking down the hallway when it seemed that the patients were still sleeping.

It's early in the morning, and I'm already wearing sunglasses to hide my black eye. Jennie punched me really hard.

A cold breeze welcomed me when I stepped outside the hospital. I got confused when I saw Jennie standing on the other side of the road.

Her eyes are puffy and her hair is disheveled. She looks like she is wearing her sleeping attire.

Our eyes met, and she quickly ran towards me. I don't know what happened to me. I also ran towards her and all I know is that we were hugging each other tightly.

She was sobbing in my chest and I noticed she had bare feet. I tried to wrap my long coat around her small, petite body to warm her.

"Let it all out. I'm here." I rubbed her back soothingly, and she just cried in my chest.

A lot of people passing by were looking at us weirdly. They might think that I made her cry or that we met after a long time.

I don't know what's happening in Jennie's life and I don't know the reason why she's crying, but all I know is she needs someone.

After a couple of minutes, she calmed down and stopped crying. I wiped her tears and fixed her hair.

"Aigoo, it's so cold today and you're only wearing thin clothes." I removed my long coat and made her wear it. I glance at her feet and I can see there is blood on them. 

I squatted in front of her and told her to hop on my back.

"Hop on." She ride in my back without saying anything.

We walked down the side walk quietly. I'm carrying her on my back, and her arms are securely wrapped around my neck.

"Did you already eat your breakfast?" She shook her head, which made me sigh.

I walked to the restaurant that my father's friend owned. It is still early, so they are still preparing to open.

We went inside and I sat Jennie in the seat. She was busy looking around. Maybe she didn't know this place.

"Stay here, okay?" She nodded, and I went to the kitchen. I saw an old man making his special kimchi.

"Ahjussi!" I called him and he looked back to see me.

"Oh! Priya!" Oldman remove his gloves and hug me tightly. "You are grown up now, I can still remember how you crawl back then."

"It's been a years and you can still remember that." He chuckled.

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