C53: Savings and Black Card

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Artist: BTS
Song: Paradise
Album: Love Yourself: Tear


In only 7 months, I'm going to graduate.

I hate schools. They take me away from my Lili.

By the way, she is no longer that busy ever since Song Kang is out of the picture now. Therefore, I'm the only one who is always busy because of those projects, thesis, and etc.

Sometimes, Lili and I were supposed to be on a date, but it turned into a study date because my activities were stacked and she thought to give me a hand so I could pass in on time.

Why does this author love not to give Lili and I a lot of sweet moments?

Right now, I'm on my way home because our afternoon classes got postponed for some unknown reason.

I noticed that lots of students were standing in front of the main gate, blocking my way. They are all busy squealing and acting like teenagers who just got noticed by their crush.

When I cleared my throat, some of them quickly made a way for their queen. I walked, not minding them.

Suddenly, I stopped in my tracks when I saw my favorite person in front of me. She is leaning in a BMW car, looking so hot with her arms crossed and shades on.

She stood up properly when she noticed me. She peeked through her shades and winked at me, which made me chuckle.

I walked towards her and she brought something from the car.

"For the queen of my life." She gave me a bouquet of hyacinth and kissed my forehead.

I heard the students who were staring at her earlier squealed when they witnessed my girlfriend's sweet gesture towards me.

"How is your class?" She asked as she took my bag and slung it over her shoulder.

I sniffed the flower she brought for me and hugged it to my chest.

"It's boring as usual." I answered without looking at her because I was busy staring at the flower she brought for me. "How did you know that my afternoon class got postponed?"

"IU told me." She answered, which made me look at her with one raised eyebrow.

"Why didn't you tell me you two were talking behind my back?" I inquired, looking at her coldly.

She furrows her eyebrows, looking confused with my sudden change of attitude towards her, and she says," I asked her through text earlier to ask if she knew your whereabouts since it's lunch time. We no longer talk like before since I graduated because we are both busy.

"You cheater." I rolled my eyes and walked to her car without forgetting to bump her shoulder harshly.

Before I even opened the car door, she opened it for me and put her hand above my head so I wouldn't bump my head on the roof of her car.

Once I got inside, she ran to the driver's seat and buckled her seatbelt.

"Are you jealous?" She asked.

"Isn't that obvious? Of course, I am! " I said with full annoyance in my voice.

"There's nothing to be jealous of, especially since she's not even my type, I don't see her for anything other than friends, and I had a beautiful girlfriend." She said calmly while lovingly looking at me, which made me blush madly.

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