C33: Rude But Sweet

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Artist: IKON
Song: Why Why Why


Our camping trip ended better than I thought. We did a lot of activities that I had never experienced before. I kinda have fun, especially when they are always bugging and teasing me.

They are doing that, so I will interact with them and they just laugh every time I get mad. They are already used to my attitude.

Jessi dropped us off at our university, and some of my teammates went home in their cars.

While me, I'm walking home with Lisa. She always brought me home, and it became our habit.

She told me that she and Rosie talked, which made me glad and happy for her. She'd been wanting to have a talk with her best friend, Rosie.

"Are you not tired?" I asked her and looked at her. She's carrying our bag, and I know it's heavy.

"Not really." She answered, and I nodded in response.

We arrived in front of my Uncle Woosung's house. I stopped in my tracks when I saw a familiar figure and its parents.

"What's wrong?" Lisa asked worriedly. She looked at what I was looking at, and I know she understood why I stopped.

Suddenly, my dad looked at me and we made eye contact. He walked towards me and raised his hand to slap me. I closed my eyes and prepared for his slap.

I heard a loud slap, but I didn't feel anything, which made me open my eyes. Lisa received the slap for me, and she was standing in front of me, blocking my dad.

"Jungjae!" I heard Uncle Woosung shout and he rush towards us.

"Try to hit her again and I promise you won't see her again." Lisa said, in a serious tone.

"Why are you with my daughter?" My dad asked, and he sounded surprised.

"I won't answer your question because I believe it's none of your business." I hold Lisa's hand to calm her down.

"It's my business because she is my daughter, Lisa." which perplexed me.

How did he know her name?

"If she is your daughter, why are you treating her like this?!" She raised her tone and sounded so mad.

"Like what?" Dad matched her tone.

"Like a piece of crap that you can do and say whatever you want to her! I didn't expect that her father was you, who I have been idolizing for years because of your good reputation and image. But guess what? I got fooled!" Lisa held my hand tightly.

"Lisa, you don't know anything! Don't act like you know shit about my family!" Dad glared at Lisa.

Suddenly, Lisa let go of my hand and grabbed my father's collar. She is so mad and her veins in her neck are showing.

"You son of a bitch!" Lisa pushed him hard on the floor. I quickly grabbed Lisa's arm to stop her from hurting my dad, but she pushed me too. Thankfully, I keep my balance and Kai oppa checked me if I was okay.

Dad stood up from the floor, and Lisa quickly launched towards him. She punched him twice strongly in the face, which made him stumble on the ground.

"Lisa!" Lisa tried to stop Uncle Woosung from going between them and hurting my dad.

"Do you know how much I'm hurting every time I see your daughter crying because of how you treat her and hurt her?!" Lisa tried to push Uncle Woosung so she could attack my Dad, but Auntie Haneul helped him to stop Lisa.

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