C64: 'Us' 'We'

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Artist: Winner
Song: Millions
Album: We


Our wedding is only a week away and Jennie's tummy is getting bigger, but it's not so visible. You can just say that she might be full, and that's why her tummy is big.

Speaking of her tummy, it became one of her insecurities because she said that her wedding dress might not fit her anymore because her tummy is getting big and she is gaining weight.

We kept comforting and reassuring her that she still looks beautiful as ever and doesn't need to get insecure by herself.

All of us are kind and calm towards Jennie because we avoiding to say something that will trigger her and she is sensitive because of the pregnancy.

You can say that I almost turned into a nun because of my kindness and calmness towards Jennie, because no matter how much or strong her hit is, I'm still smiling and never groan in pain.

I've also been nothing but patient and obedient towards her. 

At this moment, Jennie is at her university and I'm in my office finishing some stuff. I'm pretty busy today, and I need to finish all of this before six, because I need to fulfill my responsibilities as Jennie's fiancee.

I was in the middle of reading some papers when I received a phone call from Jennie, which I quickly answered.

L: Hello, Nini?

J: Lili, I want some milk ice cream.

L: Where are you?

J: Home.

L: Why? What's wrong? Did you feel sick or something?

J: I just felt like I wanted to go home, so I went home. Rosie drove me here, and she is a very nice friend.

I chuckled. This is the first time she complimented Rosie.

L: Arraseo, I'm going to buy you milk ice cream.

I stood up from my seat and left my work undone. 

J: I also want some pizza, Lili.

L: What else does my baby want?

J: You, I want your hug, kisses, and cuddles.

L: Okay, I'll be there. Wait for me, okay?

J: Okiee.

L: I'm going to hang up now so I can buy your food cravings are.

J: Okay, Lili, bye-bye. I love you! Mwuah!

L: Hmm, I love you as well... mwuah!

She hung up the phone.

I quickly ran out of the building and drove to the nearest pizza store and ice cream shop.

I bought five buckets of milk ice cream and three boxes of pizza with assorted flavors.

When I arrived at the Kim Mansion, Mr. Sungji greeted me and parked my own car. I immediately went to Nini's bedroom to see her laying on the bed like a burrito.

"Lili!!" She exclaimed and quickly unwrapped the blanket from her body.

I quickly went to her and showed her the food that I had bought. I set up the foldable bed table and began to open the foods for her.

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