C17: Sleep

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"I don't want this one-sided love
This is crazy love (I'm not crazy)"

Song:미쳐가네 (GOING CRAZY)
Album: The First Step: Treasure Effect


Our team's next game will be in two weeks. My schedule on weekdays is full and the one who made it full is our training.

We have training twice a day, and it consumes my whole day. It's pretty hard to manage my time, but I'm not letting my grades fall and not able to attend every training.

Today, we don't have training because our preliminary exam is near and we have to catch up with our lessons. We missed a lot of activities, especially our minor subjects, because we are always not in the class

That's why I'm stuck here in the library reading the school history, which is that I don't give a damn because I was still not alive when this school was established.

Still, I need to read it and write an article about it. Advantages of studying journalism: I need to practice my writing skills or else...

Library is packed today. I guess everyone wants to study in a quiet place.

Like what I thought, my friends will not come to study here since it's the last place they want to go.

I've been in the library for almost three hours and I'm glad that I can still manage to stay awake.

However, I'm very sleepy and I badly wanted to take a nap. I think there is nothing wrong with sleeping a bit.

I looked around to see if there was a librarian roaming around.

Thankfully, no one was roaming around. Maybe they didn't want to distract the students who were busy studying.

I put my bag on the table and made sure it was soft enough to be my pillow. I was about to sleep but someone pulled a seat beside me, causing me to pay attention.

"Annyeong, Capt." I greeted Jennie, and she nodded in acknowledgement. As usual, she will not come to greet me or talk to me.

I rested my head on my pillow and was about to sleep when she suddenly spoke.

"Don't sleep here; it's a library, not your bedroom." She said in a low voice without looking at me because she was too engrossed in what she was reading.

"Just a bit, I badly needed a nap." I attempted to sleep again, but she stopped me once again.

"You didn't sleep last night?" She asked.

"I did."

"How many hours did you sleep?" I mentally sighed.

Why does she keep asking questions?

I like how she's being a bit talkative right now, but it's the wrong timing since I'm sleepy and I need to sleep.

"4 hours." She nodded, and I closed my eyes.

I was about to fall into a deep slumber when she spoke again.

"When is your class?" I sat up properly and that made her look at me.

"Can you let me sleep? I badly needed it or else I'm going to die." She put a bookmark in her book and closed it.

"Stop exaggerating, Lisa. You are not going to die just because you didn't take a nap." She said while looking at me.

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