C21: We Are Just Friends

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"Yeah, I'm scattered, we're just friends
Just friends."

Artist: Loving Calliber
Song: We're Just Friends


My crush is a cutie.

I said in my thoughts when I saw a photo of my crush that was posted on a billboard. It's a very big photo, and everyone can literally see it.

Lisa's house has a nice view of it. This billboard can also be seen in my house, but it's not as big as this. 

I arrived at our house and quickly went inside. I told the maids to carry all my stuff to my bedroom.

Luckily, my parents are not here because they will be meeting someone, and I don't know who it is.

Before I laid in my bed, I did my night routine and wore my black silk pajamas. I stared at the ceiling and deeply sighed.

Tomorrow will be Sunday. I need to put my mask on and pretend that me and my parents are on good terms.

How I wish they were not my parents.



As soon as I opened the door, three people were looking at me while their arms were crossed.

"Where did you go earlier? You are supposed to meet your Uncle and Auntie." Mom raises an eyebrow.

"Oh, I dropped off my friend at the hospital because I'm worried she'll have an allergic reaction."

"Did you know that your Uncle and Auntie were expecting to see you, but Haruto said you went somewhere unexpectedly?" Dad said, making me deeply sigh.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to ditch our lunch with them." I apologized, and they nodded in acknowledgement.

"Go to sleep now." Mom kissed my cheek and Dad did the same before they went upstairs.

I looked at Haruto, who was also looking at me.

"Where is my gift from Uncle and Auntie?" I asked him and he stuck out his tongue, then he dashed away. "Yah! Haruto! "

"Goodnight!" He shouted back.

I walked grumpily upstairs and slumped into my bed.I didn't bother changing into my pajamas because I'm too tired and lazy to do that.

I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.


Noona, just this one. Help me. " Haruto kept following me from behind and asking me to help him with his one subject.

We are in the university even though we don't have class. Well, I have to get something from my locker, and Haruto met his teammates for a bit.

"Haru, you can do it by yourself." He walked beside me and shook his head while pouting at me.

"Lali, I can't." I flicked his forehead, one of my habits when he is around me.

"Instead of wasting your time pleading with me to help you with that, why don't you just figure it out by yourself?" I asked, but he just pouted and gave me puppy eyes.

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