Chapter 11

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"Well, it's about time someone taught my son a lesson about privacy."

I stare at her in disbelief controlling the urge to take a step back to protect myself from this experienced witch. She is unnaturally calm which is scarier and gives me a very bad feeling. I fear that she might suddenly spring up on me.

It is like the calm before a storm.

I try to gauge her emotions and take a tentative effort to peek into her mind. The first brush of my mind against hers makes her smile slightly, and then she allows me to move further into her mind as if permitting me to enter. So that's what I do.

I peek into her mind, take in a glimpse of all her emotions, trying to gauge if there's any ill intent towards me and I find none.

It might not be surprising to others but it is to me. My experience with Kestrel has left me so suspicious of everyone around me. I allowed Fenris in only because he looks like father and because he has a pure heart with no evil lurking around in his mind.

Also, because he is a hybrid like me.

However, I do not trust this witch in front of me. Especially after that wizard pulled such a humiliating stunt in front of me. Everyone should respect an individual's privacy. It might be okay if he's peeking into those people's minds who are aware of this skill of his and expect it, but it is completely different to pull this on me. I am practically a stranger to them as much as they are to me.

It has made me all the warier about their intentions toward me. My mother did not leave me in the human town because she was scared that the humans would burn me because of my other-worldly appearance. Looking at Nora, especially taking in her normal humane appearance I fear that I might once again be targeted because of my appearance and heritage.

After all, my mother and father had a lot of enemies. Enemies who were once friends.

Focusing on the witch in front of me, I watch her very carefully understanding clearly that if anyone over here might harm me then it would be this witch and that wizard. That wizard is not here and I trust Fenris enough to know that he will protect me but he might not be fast enough to save me from a witch's magic.

Suddenly, baby Selene starts squirming in my arms. I look down at her for a split second and see that she is almost on the urge of falling asleep. Watching her daughter almost dozing on me, Sierra walks forward and takes Selene from me before passing me a quick smile of encouragement.

Moving back, I let my attention move away from Sierra and Selene who recognizes her mother's arms and snuggles into her as if Sierra is a big piece of fluffy cushion.

The witch, my aunt Nora looks at me with a slight tilt to her head and then looks behind me for a moment. I do not take my eyes off her fearing that she might make some move against me. So, I stand still and watch her.

Slowly, her eyes start watering and a lone tear escapes her eyes as she lifts her hand up, tentatively at first as if unsure. She lets me see her hand in the air and only when my gaze flicks to her hand, does she move it, bringing it closer to my face and then hesitating. I do not move, curious now and very well aware that Fenris is watching us.

Cayden's here. Sierra's here and somewhere farther into the trees, I feel a vampire's presence.


Not letting my mind wander any further, I watch as Nora brings her hand closer and lets her fingers brush against my cheek. She caresses my cheek when I don't flinch away which in itself is a huge task considering how soft and warm her touch is.

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