Chapter 12

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Can you believe the audacity of this witch?

I lean against the wall and make a half-hearted attempt to appear relaxed while I watch Nora trying so hard to cover up the secrets of her witch-kind.

Some secrets are not known to me as well.

However, I did have a doubt in my mind about the witch-child's ability. At first, I had thought that she has been manipulated by the enemies but slowly I realized that the face that the witch-child has shown to these people is just the tip of an iceberg.

The real Nikita will be revealed when she lets these people know what Xavier did to her and what exactly made Nikita so aloof, so suspicious of everyone around her. To understand Nikita, we need to know who Dusty was.

When Fenris tries to make his sister comfortable, he should really take an effort to know of what happened to his sister when she was in captivity. But all he is doing now is pushing away the past and burying it. Such demons are not buried easily.

That's the major reason why Nikita cannot sleep. She remembers everything vividly. From the moment she was born, everything is like a live reel playing in her mind. She might have paused some of the parts of the real-life movie but it is nowhere near to be buried. If she continues doing this, continues to push away her past; there will be one day when all those memories are going to rush back and then she will have a break-down like how Catrina once had.

And even if Nikita appears to be strong, at this moment she doesn't have an anchor to support her emotionally. Catrina had an anchor, she had Connor to think about which made her situation bearable but Nikita's situation is not bearable, not unless she lets someone into her mind and let them read her mind, know everything that has happened and then purge it out of her system.

That's the only way someone can be saved. You have to let those demons out of your closet.

Where do I stand in all this drama?

That's the question that has been troubling me ever since I left the Samara Pack. I have been wandering around the woods, trying my best to stay away from this part of the country but my mind is not working anymore.

I am being forced by the temptation of knowing Nikita on a whole level. That temptation has brought me here and that temptation is the reason why I stood here and spoke about Nora's deceit with her family.

At this very moment, Nora is very angry. She's bubbling with rage and were we standing alone, she would have blasted me with her magic, making sure that my head separated from my body but I know that Fenris won't let her do it.

She can try but I am no kid, am I? I can save my ass very well.

"Then why do you think mom gave Nikita this ability to have a photographic memory?" asks Fenris, bringing me out of my thoughts. From the corner of my eyes, I watch Nikita and she looks like she has seen a ghost.

Well, if you look at her now, she looks like a ghost with that white hair and almost translucent skin.

No, she looks like a scared angel.

Ah, fuck!


Yes, focusing now!

Blinking my eyes once, I turn my head to glance at Nora once who looks like a fish right now. She is clearly battling with her heart, not wanting to lose her nephew's trust but also bound by her species to not disclose their secrets.

But before Nora can answer Fenris's question, there is a whirl of wind and at the next moment, Nikita disappears from the room.

At once, Fenris and Sierra get up from their position, Cayden springs up into action as well, marching out of the room to search for her; while I control myself from moving.

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