Forgotten Memories

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Life Update: So, I am done with my final semester of University! So, more updates to come guys! I can't apologize enough! I am terribly sorry, there is no excuses I have! Thanks for your support as I finish and post the last chapters of this book. Hope you guys have enjoyed it 
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Three days later...

I sat on my mother's couch beside Sharon as she napped quietly on my shoulder and the television light shined on her face. It was the first time she was able to sleep peacefully without a nightmare, since the funeral. 

I had agreed with my mother to keep Sharon company during the day while my mother agreed to watch her at night at her house. 

As I stared down at her round, youthful face, she didn't look a day past twenty-five, even though she was just thirty-three. I stroked her hair out of her face. 

I didn't particularly enjoy being at my mother's house for three days in a row, although I knew caring for Sharon was more important than the passive-aggressive undertones I've been sensing from my mom these past days. 

A loud beeping sound, went off by the front door as it opened and in walked my mom and her husband. It was still awkward between me and him due to the fact I just found out he existed a little over a month ago.

The loud beeping finally went off when he pressed a few buttons on the alarm system. 

"That thing literally gives me the worst headache every time, honey, we have to get a more soothing one." my mom said as she threw her brown trench coat on the arm of a cream-colored loveseat across me before strolling in the kitchen. 

"Yeah, I'm sure the robbers will find that more convenient for sure." he said as he placed a brown, paper bag of groceries on the white-marble island in the kitchen. 

She sucked her teeth before taking off her heels and walking across the open floor plan to the living-room, leaning over the back of the couch to place a kiss on Sharon's head. 

"How has she been?" she asked in a low, hopeful tone. 

"When she's not staring blankly at the wall, she sleeps...she hasn't eaten or drunk again today."

Without saying anything, she stared at Sharon's face, her brows coming closer together as her thumb gently stroked her face.

"I can't of you." her voice became airy and as I looked into her brown eyes, there were no tears and oddly enough a smile came across her face as she looked up at me. 

"I have to hurry up and get dinner ready, because you guys are probably hungry." she said before standing up straight in her royal blue, silk V-neck blouse. 

Sharon stirred on my shoulder, slowly opening her eyes. 

I wrapped my arms around her as she lifted her head off my shoulder to look at me. 

"Hey..." she spoke lowly before looking around the room.


"Where's Calvin, I have to get him ready for bed?" she asked, breaking out of my arms and standing up.


"Honey," my mom walked over to her and rubbed her shoulders.

"What..." Sharon asked my mom. 

Her husband looked at me, then at Sharon and walked over to her calmly.

"Sharon...Calvin...he's not here with us-

My Sister's Keeper: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now