My Sister's Keeper Part 1

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Author's Note: Hello you guys! I am so excited to be back and soon wrapping up this story! This has been my favorite story so far. I apologize for the wait, I am in school during COVID-19 and things have been....interesting and demanding. I hope to finish this book soon and probably do a sequel, who knows?! So, I thank you guys sooooooooooooo much for not grilling me, but I promise to do better! I hope you all have been safe and am praying for all of you, please enjoy this chapter! Muah! <3 

I stared at myself in the mirror in pain and aggravation as I struggled to brush through my thick, entangled curly hair quickly as I could so I could look decent at the hospital.

I threw the brush down on the counter and decided to stop fighting with it and just succumb to the high puff. 

My mind was still processing the words my mother had said to me earlier before she left. "If he loves you as much as you claim he does, then he will surely come back..." At least I think that's close to what she said. I never thought she would be the woman to give me sound advice, let alone her actually staying up all night at Sharon's house because I didn't come home, given her record in the past. 

Although I and my mother were now cordial with each other I still wanted answers for what happened in the past, it was not something one person could just sweep under a rug and act as if it never happened, but my mother seemed to think it was possible. Well, not for me.

I quickly threw on a pink, shirt dress with white sneakers before grabbing my purse and rushing out the door. 


I turned up the volume of the radio as my favorite song "I Been" (GO LISTEN TO IT ABOVE) by Ari Lennox sung through the speakers. 

The cold, fall air stung my face as I gazed at the strip of Bay town's downtown stores and occasionally slowing down for stray dogs walking through traffic recklessly. 

As I nodded my head to Ari's lyrics I saw a familiar red truck parked at a floral shop.

My eyes glanced at the tall, lean man laughing and smiling brightly... besides a brown haired beautiful woman who looked to be 5'7 in stature. 

She punched his arm playfully as he pretended to be hurt by her petite fist. 

My hands gripped the steering wheel tightly as I recognized his brown hair and perfect teeth.

It seemed to be fate teasing me because as soon as I looked at him, his blue eyes met mine for a moment before I heard a loud honk behind me. 

It was as if someone had punched me in the stomach, knocking all the air out of me. 

I didn't realize I had stopped in the middle of the road.

As I peered into my rear-view mirror I was surprised to see a line of cars behind me. 

I immediately pressed the gas forward, prying my gaze off of him and his new woman and back onto the road. 

I didn't know what to think. It hadn't even been a week yet and he had already moved on?

Taunting images of him holding her so lovingly stained my mind.

How could he do this?

Did I mean anything to him at all?

The audacity he had to do it publicly with no shame. 

People in town knew we were always together...

My Sister's Keeper: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now