Work and Conversation

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I sipped my mocha latte as I sat down in the chair at the downtown cafe. It was a cute and dainty little place. The wallpaper looked kind of dated with hundreds of green flowers on a yellow background. The smell of coffee beans, creamers, and strawberry pastries perfumed the air.  The chair I was sitting in also kept squeaking whenever I shifted in it which was driving me crazy, but other than that I was finally happy to have a break and downtime to myself which I actually haven't been able to do since I've been here. 

There was always something I had to do or someone to speak to. I know that sounds kind of harsh, but I guess that's just the introvert in me rearing its head. 

I opened my laptop and decided to answer some emails, and as I scrolled through my work email, there were a few emails from the company about meeting times for me to join them on video call and emails from my secretary about clients and people that has asked for me, but of course I know Cynthia had to send them to Renell, which kind of pissed me off. He was a cocky, egotistical businessman and a sweet talker, so I know he used that to his advantage to make sure my clients became his. 

I rolled my eyes as I continued to scan my emails and landed on one from Renell saying, 

"Kay, I must say this business isn't the same without you in the office ordering people around, and just so you know your new pupil is starting to turn heads of my father and some board members... I think they're considering putting him as your assistant or your replacement and to be honest it looks a lot like the latter...keep your head up as you're on your vacation."  

Sincerely as I can be,


My heart dropped in my stomach and I felt my blood start to boil at the same time. I worked too hard for those bozos to try to replace me with some guy that just started working...whom I hired! I sent him a thank you message in return. 

I huffed as I threw my delicious latte in the trash and closed my laptop after answering client emails. 

I couldn't help feeling betrayed and why did I think it had every reason to do with Mr. Artinez being....a man? 

I know 90% of the staff and board are male, and I know it was a gracious miracle that I even was considered to sit along side all that testosterone, and I knew they hired me partly because of my direct nature, but I'll be darned if I let those idiots screw up my perfect portfolio.

 The job was awesome, it had its ups and downs of course, but I enjoyed my work, selling and negotiating with banks as an employee, also having a bit of my personal money invested in their stock on the market for myself, making me extra I made nearly 100,000 dollars a year (mostly from my position and dividend earnings from stock market) and I know that there is no way in hell or on this green Earth that I'm going to go down without a fight! 

I had the mind to call up my boss and let him know what I thought of him, but decided against it, knowing it would probably get me written up or terminated without a second chance like they did for most guys there, exclusively his son, Renell. 

Well at least I knew what was coming and wasn't being hit from the blindside.

I rolled my eyes as I sighed and laid my arms over my head and closed my eyes as if wanting it to be a dream.

I had never been insecure of my job before, but this made me start wondering what was I going to do if the manure hit the fan? Where was I to go then?

 I called Cynthia, my assistant, and she picked up quickly as expected.

"Hello, this is Cynthia Powell, at Williams Company, how may I help you today?" 

"Hello Cynthia this is your boss, Kendra, hey I have heard there's been sneaky things going on while I have been away with my you want to enlighten me on those issues?" I asked her calmly, but with sarcasm laced in, knowing she should have called me to let me know these things and attempting to keep in contact, which at this point Renell was doing her job, and I honestly was pondering on the idea of who I should hire next. 

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