Sunday Morning Part 1

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Happy New Years!!!!!!! Hope everyone enjoyed it! It's 2019 and you're still standing!!! Praise God...and I hope you will continue to through this year, be blessed!!

My hand that was applying mascara to my eyelashes shook as my nerves got to me about this entire morning.

Today was supposed to be a big day for not just our church, but also for Jake and I, he was finally meeting my family and what made it even more nerve wrecking was that we would both have to face the judgmental and curious glances and stares together that we would most likely receive from some people. 

I closed my eyes as I took a deep breath which helped me a little bit to calm down. Maybe because it was the first time I brought a guy to meet my family like this.

I looked back up into the bathroom mirror and noticed another face that appeared into it. 

A ruggedly, handsome face with a bright welcoming smile and blue eyes that could paralyze you if you looked longer than a second. 

Suddenly all the thoughts and mixed emotions vanished in an instance and was replaced with a vibrant and excited feeling that only he could make me feel somehow every time he walked in the room. 

I smiled up at him and turned to hug him and for a brief second as I inhaled his intoxicating cologne I wished for nothing but to stay in this moment with him and to never let go. 

When we quickly realized we had still had plans today, we let go of each other and Jake smiled down at me and kissed me on the forehead. 

"You look beautiful." he said to me, holding my gaze. 

I laughed. 

"Yeah, but I think you might be giving me a run for my money sweetie, this gray striped suit is giving me second thoughts about your present financial situation." I teased him while admiring his gorgeous attire.

A gray and black suit adorned his tall and lean build. He had a black tie with a folded black handkerchief in his top left jacket pocket, I also looked down to notice his black shiny, suede church shoes. 

The cowboy could really clean up; he had a fresh clean shaven face which made him look somehow even more attractive than I thought the man capable!

His brown hair was also shiny and slicked back.

He truly dressed to impress. 

"Well, thank you I guess you could say I have on my Sunday best, but no it's a rental, I have to return this three piece Armani suit tomorrow

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"Well, thank you I guess you could say I have on my Sunday best, but no it's a rental, I have to return this three piece Armani suit tomorrow...the guys there told me this really suited my body frame." he said, looking into the mirror at me. 

I then remembered that I still needed to grab my navy blue peep toe heels from under my bed.

I had curled my already curly hair with my hair wand and the slightly tight curls came out bouncy and shoulder length. 

My Sister's Keeper: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now