Kindness and Suspicion

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"What are you doing night?" I asked suspiciously, looking past his broad shoulders down the dark road which now was vacant of any vehicle.   

The brown cowboy hat that he was wearing along with a dark denim jacket which was paired with a light brown shirt made him appear even taller than usual. 

He furrowed his bushy brown eyebrows at me as he spoke.

 "I just wanted to return your jacket you left at the shop, I was just in the neighborhood, so I figured I could go ahead and give it to you." he mumbled in his strong southern accent, holding up my burgundy leather jacket. 

"Hmph, I don't remember leaving it, but thanks anyway," I said grabbing it from him. He smiled briefly before tipping his hat and walking down the orange paver driveway to his truck.

Suddenly a crazy idea came to my mind. "Hey!" I yelled out to him. 

He looked back at me with his hand on his truck door. "Wait right here, I'll be back," I said, before running into the house to check on Calvin. As I opened his door, I walked into his outer-space-themed bedroom. He was sound asleep, and he had a bottle of water on his rocket ship-shaped nightstand. I left my number on the nightstand in case he needed to call me. I knew it was irresponsible for me to leave Calvin by himself, but he was a smart kid and knew not to open the door. Plus, I needed to figure out what was going on with Sharon and Calvin. I rubbed his head, then quietly walked back out of the room. I turned and as I walked down the long hallway of the house, I noticed a crumpled-up piece of red paper that was on the floor. 

When I unballed it, it didn't have any name or number, just an address with a message that read...

"Be there on time if you want to participate in the rewards my love....3993 Werninger Street" -Kevin

I didn't know what to think of it, so I pushed it inside my jeans pocket, threw my burgundy jacket on, grabbed my black and white striped purse, and then closed and locked the front door behind me.

Jake raised his eyebrows as I walked towards his truck. 

"What are you doing, I'm about to go home." he said determinedly with his keys in hand. I smiled at him pleadingly, flashing my eyelashes at him. "Please, I just need one favor...I'm trying to see where my sister is and that she is okay, I know they're at a restaurant, but I didn't see which way they went, I think he was driving a-" 

"Black Porsche 918 Spyder...headed in that direction." he recited, pointing towards the left side. "Well, I see you know your cars," I said, opening the rustic truck door. He climbed in and started his truck and we headed down the road we thought they went. 


As we drove around downtown I began telling him a few things about my sister. I don't know why I did, given I didn't even know him, just his name was Jake, he owned a truck and worked on cars and I think...likes horses, but I felt an unexplainable sense of safety with him as I told him where I thought Sharon was and why I needed his help. 

"She told me earlier that she was going to wear this beautiful shimmering orange dress to a fancy restaurant called Aurora, so that's obviously where he took her, she also said she made reservations under her name Sharon Lawson, so let's hurry there to make sure she is okay." I instructed, looking out the window for a sign of the restaurant. He tried to suppress a laugh, but I heard it nonetheless and shot him a glare. 

My Sister's Keeper: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now