Long Time, No See...

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I was so happy to finally be sitting in my aisle seat

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I was so happy to finally be sitting in my aisle seat...in first class of course. I stretched out my feet as I took off my heels and threw them in my purse. I grabbed my glass of hazelnut coffee and sipped some of it. I had taken care of my apartment by allowing Keisha to have a temporary key there in order to feed my dog, and to let him in and out of the house.

I also made sure my secretary, Cynthia, reported to me any sudden meetings or funny business going on around the office while I was gone, and also to check up on Mr. Artinez. Yep, I could finally let my mind be at ease, because all was well.

 I laid my head back and closed my eyes, but as I did; I heard a familiar voice coming closer in range. I opened one eye and looked up to see a man with an aftershave and a long travel bag in his hand reaching over me to place his bag in the storage space beside mine.

Then as we both locked eyes my breath caught in my throat a little. I nervously smiled at him. It was the country guy from my office.

Oh. my. gosh.

He smiled back before taking off his hat and sitting down in the window seat beside me. "Long time no see." he joked. I laughed awkwardly. It was weird, because my workers were supposed to be bulldozing his property in a few months, and now he is sitting beside me, going to the same city.  He started off the conversation with a joke, and I didn't even know what to say. 

I forgot how nice southerners really were, but even the usual person would be upset with me, and more than likely side-eye me down and mumble mean things under their breath the entire way there.

I sighed inwardly with relief.

"Yeah." I said, looking down at my watch that I bought three weeks ago. I was really nervous, not knowing why exactly. His beautiful smile resembled he was no threat, and his body language was at ease. What was it with this guy, that I was suddenly acting a little antsy. I mean he is effortlessly handsome......maybe it's just me?

Maybe I expected him to throw up his defense immediately and start going on and on about how he wished he had a permanent home to go to.

As I stretched my toes absent-mindedly I realize my shoes were still off, and I didn't have the chance to paint my toes or get them professionally done like I wanted to today. I grabbed my flats out my baggage and closed it. I slipped them on quickly, and as I did felt a pair of blue eyes staring at me. 

I sat back in the chair and looked at him. He smiled, making creases in his cheeks. "You don't have to be ashamed, I'm going to take my shoes off as soon as I get tired, which isn't far off, gotta get your money worth." he said, chuckling lightly. I blinked and then blinked again at him. I was now almost sure he wasn't human or had amnesia.

He acted as if I did nothing wrong to him. Didn't he remember our conversation that took place hours ago? Maybe this was his twin. It was very likely. But then why would his twin  say 'long time no see?'

I decided to stop thinking hard about it, and relax like I wanted to in the beginning. I laid my head back on the head rest, and turned to look at him.

"Why did you buy first class seats, when you can't pay your taxes on your house...that's kind of strange to me." I blurted.

Surprisingly he didn't smile this time, but he wasn't looking upset either. He looked as if he was thinking about why he chose to do something like that as well. "I don't know I guess I just wanted to relax, inspite of all the bad news I received a few hours ago...I feel like I deserve this, I need to relax my mind, plus I don't think I have the patience to deal with any rude people in economical class today." he said in his deep and appealing southern accent. 

I found myself laughing at it. I don't know why, but the way he said it sounded so funny. I haven't heard anything like that in so long, it sounded foreign almost. He cracked a smile, then rubbed his brown short chopped hair. "Oh, so you take away my home first, then you mock my voice...dang you're on a roll." he said.

I laughed even harder, but I covered my mouth, so I wouldn't disrupt other passengers or have the flight attendant come up to me and ask me what was wrong. A few seconds later, I calmed myself down enough to talk. "Actually, I didn't take your plantation away, you chose not to pay on it...so if ya' want it back, you're gonna have to pay for it." I said, making myself laugh again, this time tears rolling down my face. He looked serious, and waited for me to stop laughing.

"That's not funny, so you think that just because I'm a white man and southern, I have to own a 'plantation', that's stereotyping by the way, you wouldn't want me to say anything rude or regarding black 'stereotypes' about you...I'm sorry darling, but a swing set only swings both ways." he said seriously. I didn't mean to be rude, and I never thought about it that way. I know I've always heard black people crack jokes about white people around me, but I never took it seriously, and most often than not I'd laugh.

I didn't think about how hypocritical it was to do that. I guess I never thought about it that way. "Hey listen, I'm sorry for that, I think I had too much coffee today, but I do honestly apologize, I try not to be that way...although the white people at my job make me that way sometimes, but jokes aside I'm sorry for offending you." I said sincerely.

I wasn't brought up to say ugly things to people, especially if I didn't want them to say anything like that to me or about me.

He just nodded and then took off his brown boots and placed them beside him. As he started to go to asleep, I grabbed my green blanket in front of me that was stuffed inside the back of the seat. I spread it out over me and took off my flats. I then turned on a romantic comedy to watch on the screen on the back of the chair in front of me.

I soon doze off to sleep.


Thanxx, xoxo....

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