Facing the Music-Part 1

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Sorry, I am lazy and I'm going to get better!! Happy New Year and I hope everyone enjoyed their holidays with loved ones! xoxo

SIDENOTE: GOD BLESS, and please pray or pay respect in some fashion to our troops in Iran, missiles have been launched at U.S. bases! These are people's husbands, wives, and family members. My condolences and prayers to everyone who has a loved one overseas! Thanks! xoxo.

As I stated that I would think about it tomorrow on a Tuesday morning, my brain decided to think about it all-night instead. 

And I did all night long after he had dropped me off with a strawberry milkshake from DQ yesterday. 

 Now I was mentally chastising myself for not telling him.

 I sincerely wanted to let him know the truth of where we stood as a couple regarding my soon departure and what we were going to do with Sharon's man problem. 

 I winced at the thought of hurting Jacob as he had been nothing but kind and honest with me. 

I didn't want to hurt him and I hated myself for waiting so long to finally say something. 

I loved how the sun illuminated every corner of the room as I uncurled from underneath the covers. I rubbed my aching eyes and decided to finally respond to the overloaded emails from work, and from the attorney I had chosen to help Jake with his case.

His name was Michael Stanley.  He graduated with a J.D. degree from Harvard that was the typical degree required for people going into law attached with a minor in Psychology. 

  I decided to meet up with him at a local Korean cafe called Flower Alley before he spoke to Jake on Thursday.

 I threw on a simple white tee with a black blazer and long sleek black pants.

Since it was just a rundown meeting I decided to go with a curly high puff and bangs. 

I kissed Calvin on his head and blew an air kiss at Sharon as I walked into the kitchen with my briefcase. 

"Good morning you two." 

 I said as I grabbed my phone off the counter and placed it in my briefcase.

"You look like you're about to go to a meeting, you know you're not in New York right."

Sharon said sipping from a dark blue mug that had a red kiss and lashes on the front. 

Her dark brown straightened hair was styled in a ponytail.

"I'm heading to speak with someone about a client I am trying to help...what are you two getting into today?" I asked her, changing the subject as I poured myself a glass of orange juice. 

"Well that sounds boring, we're going to mom's house, she wants me to help stir up some fun ideas for a women's tea conference she's hosting...it's about becoming a confident, successful woman." 

She said mimicking our mother's voice. 

I burst out in laughter. 

"Really, what is she going to teach anyone...she should have just called me." 

I said as I placed the glass in the farm sink inside the marble island.

Sharon scoffed as she put her phone down and stood up to grab a box of cereal off the fridge. 

"You know you're not the only one who is successful in this family...I mean I may not know everything you do, but I believe I can still offer some great ideas on the subject." 

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