Deals Of Mystery

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It's been two days and I couldn't believe that Jake still had not answered my calls or my texts. I haven't been like obsessively calling him, just close to it. I just hate it when I send a text and the receiver reads it and doesn't say all.

I groaned as I sat up in my bed and threw my phone down between my legs. It was 5:00 a.m. What am I doing awake at 5 am? Well, my delightful colleagues (mostly Renell) decided to conduct a meeting with me online at 6, which means I'd have to get up super early to do my make-up and put on business clothes which was still required of me to wear on the video chat. I figured it out when they asked me to stand up sometimes at random or what room I was currently in...wondering was I in my bedroom or something. But I worked around it by just sitting at the desk in my room which just showed the plain yellow wallpaper in the background. We were taking a 5 minute break from Renell's father long and dragging lecture on profits and real estate agents when I decided to check my phone for messages. 


It was harder texting with one hand for me and typing on my laptop since my fingers hadn't completely healed yet.

I rolled my eyes, and got off my bed and decided to go get a bottle of water out of the pantry in the kitchen. As I walked down the long hallway, I heard a low noise from my sister's bedroom. Her door was cracked ajar, and her bathroom light was on. As I walked closer to her door and peeped through the small crack, I saw her standing with her pajamas on in her bathroom on the phone. She was clutching the phone tightly, and her voice sounded like it was full of anger and pain. 

"I'm so sick of your bull$%!#, you think you can control me and do as you like with any harlot and whore who'll have you...I did that investment for you!" she lowly screamed into the phone holding it with both of her hands as if she wanted to strangle it. 

What was Kevin doing now? I sighed stressfully as I continued to listen in curiously. 

"Yeah, oh yeah...well screw you...I know you did not just say that to me, and you think I'm going to still agree to be your wife...who do you think you're-" she abruptly cut off her sentence as she sighed to herself, and rubbed her head. 

She folded the arm that wasn't holding the phone across her torso as if to comfort herself. 

"Yes, I understand that don't have to remind me...yes, I'll have the package deal ready for the pickup tomorrow..yes I'll have it at Safe Haven...bye." she said harshly, before removing the phone from her ear. She leaned against the door frame of the bathroom and looked heavenward and communicated to God a silent prayer. She rubbed her eyes, and finally walked in the bathroom and closed the door with some force. 

What was going on with Kevin and Sharon? First, I can't believe that scum of the Earth would cheat and mistreat my sister! She was too good for him and to him. It made me sick how she excused all his inexcusable and careless behavior. I'm sure this probably was happening between them before Calvin got here. I stood in the hallway kind of baffled and curiosity overtaking me. But, what did she mean by investment...and what kind of package did she have to make sure was ready? So many unanswered questions. I wish Jake could help me, but of course his country behind is too busy ignoring me of course, well when I finally see him in town...he won't be able to explain himself, his excuses won't work on me! 

I then, quickly remembered I had been gone from the laptop for more than 5 minutes and ran back to my room, without the water bottle. 

I ran in the room and opened my laptop at my desk to see what I missed. The video chat also had an wide box underneath the live chat that people could text in, but of course it had to stay professional, unless you were the CEO's son.

My Sister's Keeper: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now