Your Truth

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(This hopeful song definitely fits this chapter in my opinion, let me know if you already knew this song, that'd be cool for me to know, lol!) Less than 4 chapters left in this book! Sorry for the inconsistencies, I am going to get better and I am THANKFUL for your support despite my laziness (let me just be honest here) and busyness (Is this a word, I'm not sure lol) with university, but I am excited to finish this book!!

This chapter is rather lengthy, you're welcome!! xoxo 

After opening my eyes, I felt a warm hand holding mine and a brown haired woman with her head laying at my bedside.

It was my mom.

I quickly pulled my hand out of hers and under the covers which caused her to stir before lifting her head up from the bed.

"Oh, you're finally've been sleeping for hours." she said concerned before standing up and fluffing my pillows.

I didn't respond, but turned my head to look down at the IV that was jabbed into my arm.

"Well, Sharon is worried about you...the doctor said she passed out from shock, but she's going to be fine." she spoke before meeting my hard gaze.

She didn't say anything else, but sat in the chair at my bedside, facing me twiddling her thumbs. She must was nervous, because she never seemed to be at a loss for words.

"So, where is Sharon-"

"She went to get some coffee for me and Phillip had to leave to go to work, but he said he hope you feel better after resting." she said, half smiling before looking back at the door, probably wondering where Sharon was with that coffee.

I sighed before sitting up in the bed.

"So...what did the doctor say?" I asked her, although I was mindfully counting the seconds I could get out of her presence.

She looked at me, probably wishing I hadn't asked.

"Kendra, he said you suffered from a chronic panic attack and then he asked what could be the reason-"

"What did you say?" I asked her daringly, almost wandering what lie would spew out of her mouth to cover her own behind.

"Well...I told him as far as I know she is probably dealing with the loss of her nephew and worried about her sister Sharon, as well as Jacob and your job....was I wrong?"

"Yes! You were wrong, that's not the main reason I curled up on that was a trauma induced reaction."

My mom stared at me like I had three heads. "What trauma-"

"Even now, you still want to act like you don't know what you did!?" I yelled, slamming my fist on the bed.

She rolled her eyes before sighing.

"I'm being honest Kendra...I really don't remember anything that night...I know you don't want to hear this but I was drunk...and high off of cocaine that night,  I know I should be  rotting in jail, and what I did remember I forced myself to forget, I- I didn't want to believe that actually happened to you because of me Kendra..." 

Did she really just say that?

"All this time you had me look like I was crazy, but you knew exactly what you allowed to happen to didn't protect me, why!?" I screamed.

My head started to ache as a tear trickled down my face. 

"I'm so sorry." she said to me, looking down at the floor, pressing her lips thin, and squeezing her hands together.

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