Nothing But the Truth...So Help Me God

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 I hope and pray everyone is doing well amid the crisis of Covid-19 and the recent unjust murder of George Floyd. If you want to support or help in any way for justice to be served, please text FLOYD to 55156. God bless you all, and if you believe in prayer please pray for revival, justice, and peace. xoxo

My head ached as the sun shined on my face. I opened my eyes to find myself not at home but laying in a sleigh framed bed inside an unfamiliar room. The white shiplap covered the walls and the only other piece of furniture in the room was a large dresser sitting against the wall in front of the bed. 

As I sat up, I noticed a bottle of water and Advil laid on the dresser. As I turned my body to get out of the bed, a sharp, aching pain started to pulse throughout my entire head.

"Ow!" I grabbed my head with my hand as I stood to walk toward the dresser.

The refreshing water replenished my dry throat and the pill didn't take long to start working as I tried to replay what had happened the night before to end up where I was. 

Although I couldn't recall every detail, there were three things I didn't have to try to remember: the lawyer, Jake's confession, and the unforgettable, drunken kissing between us on a moonlit night. 

Maybe it was great we were intoxicated, at least then we'd have reason to excuse our honest behavior toward each other. 

The chardonnay really did its job last night, leaving us both in each other's arms up until...I couldn't remember what else happened after. 

My heart sped up and my stomach churned at the thought of actually doing something immorally spontaneous with Jacob, and my cheeks burned red because I realized it wasn't from the dread of familial shame but speechless, astonishment.

As I looked down, my same clothes were still on and as I felt my hair it was tangled, but nothing, outside of the ordinary tangles I got every morning when I didn't wrap my curly hair. 

I knew I needed a mirror to detangle this mess, so I walked to the door in the room with my hands getting tangled in my hair, praying it was a bathroom.

As I reached for it, it turned by itself and opened to a beautiful, handsome face I knew well. 

"Jake!" I screamed, wondering why he was in the bathroom of the room I was asleep in.

"Well, I see you're up now." he had on his typical black cowboy hat on again with his jeans and a white v-neck shirt that fitted his lean, frame.

After my heart slowed from the shock, I asked him a much-needed question.

"What happened last night?" I asked him, in a serious yet more curious tone.

He flashed me a bright smile and my eyes went wide as my mouth dropped open.

He then laughed. 

"Calm down, obviously your clothes are still on, I wouldn't take advantage of you, you do know that, right?" he asked me, placing his hands on his hips. 

I breathed a sigh of relief with a pinch of disappointment. 

"I know you wouldn't do that." I smiled at him.

He bent down with the smell of coffee on his breath as his soft lips met mine. 

"I love you and I wouldn't do that to you, especially when you're not sober," he said rubbing my hair before I moved closer to nestle in his chest. 

"I know you wouldn't, that's part of why I love you too, you're so honest with me," I said, suddenly feeling ashamed as I remembered I still needed to tell him my truth of leaving. 

My Sister's Keeper: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now