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     It had been forever since I had last seen my friend, Keisha. She was my bestie and ride or die girl, and I couldn't believe how we haven't kept in touch, although I know she's head over heels for her first child, a beautiful baby boy named, Timothy L. Johnson.

 From the millions of pictures she sent me, he was the cutest little baby I ever laid eyes on. His chubby little cheeks pierced my heart, and it was one of the reasons I was shopping at a baby boutique now, grabbing some cute stuffed animals that were way too pricey for their size, but felt so soft and looked so irresistibly cute.  

As I admired the stuffed koala bear in my hand, a woman walked up to me with a wide grin and a sparkle in her eyes as she saw my buggy full of stuff. 

She was a white lady who looked to be in her early 50's with short, strawberry blonde hair that curled outwards. She also had on a white blouse and sleek white business jeans. 

"Hello, this is one of our most popular sections in this store, are you finding everything you need for your soon arriving bundle of joy?" she asked with her hands locked into each other as she continued to smile at me which exposed the cracks in her lipstick. 

"No, actually I'm not pregnant at all, I'm buying this for my friend who had her first baby." I explained to the woman. 

"Of course you're is the baby a boy or a girl?" she asked as she noticed the minimalist theme I had going in my basket.  

"A boy, I just always thought a simple theme was the cutest." I said to her and she nodded. 

"Well I believe you'd love to see our collection called Minimalist Stork." she suggested, pointing to a huge collection of different baby items that perfectly matched my theme going in this basket. 

"I shouldn't-" 

"But you should, you don't want to look cheap to your friend about her first baby, right I already see many things over there that would go well with that."  she said to me, while steering me with my buggy towards the collection that was on display behind the huge window that looked out to the downtown streets of Bay City, Texas. 

I quickly saw many little things that were too cute not to take, like cotton filled little lambs with a flower crown, and an organic creamy beige blanket that had little lambs sleeping on it. 

It was almost irresistible not to buy everything. 

"I'll just leave you to it, if you need any advice on what matches with what the best, I'll be right over here, for you." she said, patting my shoulder before spotting  a pregnant woman looking at the same section I was also enamored by when I first strolled in curiously. 

I sighed as I looked at all the stuff I had in my basket, it wasn't my child, but since I missed Keisha's baby shower and birth I felt a little inclined to get her something nice and grand, I mean I could well afford it. 

Why not splurge when you can?

As I looked up to gaze at the display for more ideas of what to buy next, I noticed two people across the street in front of an inexpensive restaurant and one person looked familiar.

I saw Kevin who dressed in a button-down white suit, talking to a rather beautiful pale woman who appeared to be 5'3 in height, she had shoulder length curly auburn hair and was wearing a  formal black gown. 

They seemed to be engaged in an informative conversation. 

She glanced around before embracing him with a hug and walking up to a black SUV with tinted windows, he opened the back seat door for her to climb in and after he closed the door the car drove off. 

My Sister's Keeper: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now