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After the doctors talked to us, we went into the hospital room to see him, and he was awake. I smiled, so surprised at how big he's grown since I seen him through pictures. He smiled at his mom, but when his brown beady eyes met mine, they lit up with excitement. "Auntie K!" he screamed, trying to hug me, obviously forgetting he was hooked up to an IV, and other wires.

"Be careful Calvin, you're going to hurt yourself if you don't stop." Sharon scolded him, while wiping off his mouth with her finger."Yeah, it's been so long, how are you?" I asked happily, squeezing him tightly for a second.

"Better than most, today the doctor had to clear out some fluid, but I'm okay now...Auntie where do you live?" he asked curiously.

I laughed at his optimistic view.

The doctor told us that the episode he had was due to Pulmonary edema which he said occurs when the alveoli  fills up with excess fluid seeped out of the blood vessels in the lung instead of air.  Which explained his difficulty in breathing earlier.

"Well I live in New York...I work at a company that partly buys and sells land from the bank that it foreclosed...we also have other branches that operate differently though." I informed him. He always loved asking about my life when I talked over the phone a few times.

 "Calvin tell Auntie, how old you're going to be next month." Sharon said, fluffing his pillows.

He sat up, excitement radiating through his beautiful and boyish smile. "I'm going to turn 11 next month!" he screamed.

His mom shushed him.

"Are you going to go to my party Auntie?" he asked me.

I sat down on his bed beside him.

"Of course I'm're growing up so fast; it seemed yesterday that you were only a baby." I said, reminiscing over the past.

What made me really upset was that his father hadn't been there for him through the years, probably once or twice, but that was it.

"Sharon, let me speak to you for a few minutes." I said, walking out the door. She followed behind me.

"What?" she asked.

"I know you probably don't want to talk about this right now, you think his father would be able to make it?" I asked her. She rolled her eyes and sighed. I know she probably didn't like Calvin's absence in little Calvin Jr.'s life too, but was too afraid she'd lose finances if she spoke up.

"I don't know, I didn't ask him, but I guess I can." she said.

"I also wanted to ask another question." I said.

I wondered this whole time how bad was Calvin's illness was, because she didn't really elaborate over the phone.

"Okay." she said, crossing her arms.

"How bad is he?" I asked. Her shoulders slumped a little.

She started to look up at the ceiling lights in the hallway.

"I- It's really see him like this Kendra, he has...leukemia, he knows it, and he's been so strong through this...he's fought so hard, and I just wish I could take his place, but I can't." she sobbed, before dabbing her eyes with a tissue.

My heart burned with pain for him. He was so young, didn't even graduate yet or experience what a normal child does solely.

I hugged her as she cried, and I felt my own tears flowing down my face. 

"Is he dead ?" a female voice spoke in fear.

I let go of Sharon and saw my mother.

She looked so much differently than in the past. No more head scarfs and ugly printed leopard tights.

My Sister's Keeper: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now