The Last Day

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Only one to two chapters left! Thank you for the support!! Much Love! 

The next day...

I opened one of the huge, front double doors and walked inside my family's home church. Unlike on usual Sunday mornings when the piano was being played, choir singing, and congregation clapping, today, on a Monday, it was pin-drop quiet. Something I never thought it could be until now. 

As I walked into the huge sanctuary, Pastor Morton was standing in front of the first pew with a Bible in his hands. There my two sisters, aunt, grandmother, and my mom were seated. 

I guess I was the only one late. 

As I walked down the long aisle, he looked up at me and soon other eyes followed and he smiled at me. "Welcome, Kendra...thank you for coming." I smiled and gave him a brief hug before sitting on the pew behind my family. My grandmother and Sharon turned around to smile and wave at me before Pastor Morton spoke. 

"So, I understand that Mrs. Williams wanted to confess about a serious issue that happened about 13 years ago that she believes everyone should know so her family can move forward and healing can start, I hope that...everyone remembers that there is no sin too great that God can not forgive, and that God is a God of justice, love, and healing." Pastor Morton spoke solemnly. As his tightly crossed arms gripped the Bible and his sudden stiff shoulders, I knew that she had already told him. 

My mom immediately stood up, in a black formal jumpsuit and black low-cut boots. She had faint wrinkles beside her eyes and I could tell she was hardly wearing any makeup with the trace of her brown freckles on her cheeks. Her brown eyes stared into mine before taking a deep breath. 

Everyone besides Phillip and Pastor Morton seemed to be curious about what was happening?

I knew our family would never be the same after this moment.

"About 13 years ago, I made the biggest mistake of my life as a mother...because it involved my daughter, Kendra," 

"I know that I was a horrible mother to my three girls, but I know I hurt Kendra the most, and I wanted to take this moment to apologize to you and the family," she said, before wiping her eyes with a tissue. 

My aunts and grandmother still looked confused. Sharon shook her head as Valerie squinted her eyes. And me...I was so shocked she actually was going, to tell the truth, although it did hurt me to think of how it will affect my family as a whole once word got around.

"Jennifer, what did you do?" my grandmother, her mother, asked her seriously while scooting toward the end of the pew to listen to what was going to come out of her mouth.

"I got high one night with this guy, named Mark...we were together at the time, and I was addicted to drugs, but I still would go to work normally every day, so I was a high-functioning drug addict," I knew she did drugs growing up and would get high and drunk regularly, but I and my sisters never saw her do anything, we only witnessed the effects afterward. 

She took a breath before continuing, "At that time I wasn't making enough money, and our food stamps were low, so I couldn't afford the rent or bills, and he was paying for everything, he was a predator and he knew I didn't have many options besides him, so he threatened to stop paying for my bills unless he could have my daughter, Kendra...I was so weak that I didn't stop him and I hate myself for letting that happen to you, I struggled a long time even acknowledging it because for some reason, it's like I couldn't remember things clearly or I just didn't want to." she covered her face with her hands as she burst into tears. 

My aunt and grandmother stood up,  as their glares and frowned faces turned towards mom. 

"How could you do that Jennifer?" my aunt whispered angrily while grabbing at her chest, squeezing her shirt.

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